Chapter 4: The Day Off

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The city was bustling with life. People were going in and out of stores and shops, restaurants, you name it. Keiji was part of the crowd of people, drinking his free boba tea and dressed in his quirk's disguise. No one would know it was him walking around because all they would see is a man named Shinji Gichi, who was a known business man... who didn't have a business yet and wasn't hired. He was pretty well known around the area, store owners and locals calling out and saying hi to him. Keiji rather enjoyed these interactions.

Keiji decided to sit down at a small park in the middle of the city to sit and rest. There really wasn't much to the park but a play set, some grass, and the benches that dotted against the wire fence that lined the property. Keiji watched some kids playing on the play structure. They were all interesting to see. There was so many variations of blooming quirks appearing on some of the children. One in particular looked like many animals combined with long horns. She was just sitting by herself, looking blankly out at what seemed to be nothing. Keiji looked around but he couldn't make out which parents were hers. When he turned to look back at her, she was gone.

Keiji decided to get up then. He continued going through the city, melding into the crowd yet again. While looking into one of the shops, he couldn't help but recognize a Purple Hyena member. They were currently looking into a display case of jewels. It was obvious they were planning which stores to visit on their heist. Keiji kept his eyes on them for a little bit before dipping into an alley beside the store. Turning around and making sure nothing is looking at him, he makes himself invisible to others. He then makes his way back to the jewelry shop and entering it.

He decided he would follow the gang member. The rest of that day was spent following the member around until they finally headed back to a different hide-out. Keiji entered with the Hyena member so that he wouldn't have to be met with a silent door after he'd knocked to ask greetings. After everyone in the gang seemed to pan out into normality with distracted activities and conversation, Keiji let go of his quirk. His head was dully throbbing.

He waltzed up to who he assumed was the leader of The Purple Hyenas and tapped their shoulder. "Yea, yea, hold on.." the woman slurred, waving him off. The people who she was playing cards with looked up. Their eyes widened and they rusted to defend themselves. The leader took note of the sudden movements and actions her companions were doing and looked up behind her.

"Hi!" Keiji waved warmly. The leader stood up and backed away, the rest of the group taking notice also and replicating the same stance of defense. "No need to be so cautious. If you think I was going to attack you, you'd all be already dead. But that wasn't my orders and I have a vacation." Some of the gang members stood down, relaxing and waiting for him to continue. "And on my vacation, I decided I would make a proposition... to you guys!"

"A proposition?" The leader asked. "Yes. Like a job offer or a deal; serve, whatever." "You're Romulus aren't you?" the leader concluded in question. "Yes, I am."

The leader weighed everything said to her along with the knowledge of who this intruder was. "You said "but that wasn't my orders". Who hired you?" She hit the nail on that one. Keiji paused to remember The Ivory Rose's contract. It stated that he couldn't tell anyone who hired him, but it never said anything about giving hints to who they were.

"The other gang, your enemy." "Which one?" She retorted. 'There's others?' Keiji thought. "They have a nice flourescent red lava lamp." The leader tipped her head back and humming in understanding.

She smiled, "So you want us to make a deal with you, yea?" "Yep. I can do anything besides the "don'ts" that are written on my previous contract."

Her smile widened into a malicious grin. "Awesome. I am The Queen. Welcome to our gang Romulus! Shall we discuss terms?"


There, it's longer and I kept my word. Also, there's a cameo for an upcoming story that my friend is writing. It's not out yet though. I will update the Info page (1st one) when it comes out. Also, stay tuned for character pictures on that page too because that's coming up. (12/3/17)

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