Exploring Deceptidads

Start from the beginning

Breakdown had done an amazing job at preparing this nursery, with the help of the vehicons of course. Another perk of this room was that it was only a minute down the hall from the main control room, meaning that all the officers and the adoptive sires of these sparklings could come and visit during their breaks.

At this point in time, Knock Out and Starscream, with their little ones in tow, were inspecting the room to see if it was definitely safe for them to leave their little ones here whilst they were working. Megatron and Soundwave had turned up out of curiosity to see the room and how it had turned out.

"You're sure that everything in here has been child-proofed?" Starscream looked Breakdown straight in the optics, giving him a look that hinted he would kill him is any harm, accidental or not, came to his precious little one.

"And you've double checked every single item in here to make sure that they can't accidentally hurt themselves, I don't want them choking on small parts of toys..." Knock Out added on.

"Everything in this room was made for the sparklings with their safety in mind, so you two don't have to worry at all," Breakdown reassured them.

"I'm guessing you will need someone on duty at all times," Megatron hinted, "You may use some of the vehicons and allow them to switch in between shifts. Soundwave, I want you to pick a handful that will be best suited to looking after Onyx and Ryker."

Soundwave nodded in response and turned to go back to the control room. With that Megatron watched as the two sparklings were put on the floor and allowed to rummage around in their new collection of toys. At least he knew the two future warriors would be safe and on top of that he'd have two of his officers following their regular schedule. With a nod himself, Megatron walked out of the room after expressing that he expected to see Knock Out and Starscream on their normal duty by the following day.

Starscream flicked his wings and let out a relaxed sigh as he watched the two little ones talk in sparkling babble and play happily with their new toys.

"I believe we still need to run a full check up on the sparklings and give them some vaccinations," Knock Out informed the seeker.

"Need any help?" Breakdown flashed a smile.

"Well of course, I reckon Onyx will need an extra pair of hands to keep track of her," Knock Out grinned as did Starscream at that comment.

"Yes, Onyx's wings look like they'll need to be numbed. She's been fussing with them," Starscream noticed.

With that, Starscream leaned to pick up the little seekerling and hold her gently in his arms. Miko found that as she was scooped up that she didn't want to leave this toy that she'd found. It was almost a soft toy but boy it felt good when she chewed on it. Her gums were feeling incredibly itchy...

"Oh snap," Miko shouted to Jack as she held her toy tightly in her little hands, "Dude, I think I'm teething or whatever the Cybertronian equivalent is!"

"Well, I don't know what to do, maybe just continue chewing that toy?" Jack squealed as he was picked up and the Decepticons began walking towards the medbay with their squealing little ones in their arms.

"My you're talkative aren't you," Starscream smiled at both of them earning himself a cute stare from Jack.

Starscream wasn't too lucky with his reaction from Miko as she decided to be a little mischievious and swing her drool covered chew toy at the older seeker's face. Starscream didn't even see it coming she had been that fast, and he wouldn't have minded if he hadn't heard the annoying cackles of Knock Out and Breakdown laughing at him and his rambunctious little seekerling.

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