Change of Scenery

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He reached in an took out a fresh bottle, resulting in Miko holding her hands out to it expectantly. Starscream smiled and cradled her so she'd be more comfortable, then he lowered the bottle to her mouth so she could feed.

As Starscream fed Miko, Knock Out placed Jack on one of the medberths so that he could clean himself up.

"This is exactly why I didn't want to look after a sparkling. Ugh, for all I know, Megatron did this to me on purpose," Knock Out growled to himself.

Miko began laughing resulting in her sputtering energon onto the floor, luckily for Starscream. The adult seeker tried to place the tip of the bottle back into her mouth but she turned her head away, indicating that she'd had enough.

"As it seems you are incapable of preparing sparkling energon for their future meals, I may as well begin making some more while I'm here," Starscream sneered at the vain medic. The winged mech put Miko on the same berth as Jack and then walked off expecting Knock Out to keep them in his line of site.

Unfortunately, Starscream hadn't realised that Knock Out had entered a side room in the medbay and vice versa. That left two mischievous little sparklings able to do whatever they wanted. First things first, hug and have a little babble.

"Okay dude, we really need to get out of here and back to the bots," Miko told her friend.

"I agree, although they're being nice to us, I'm not completely comfortable with being cuddled by the cons..."

Miko nodded her head and flicked her wing nubs a little as she looked around the room. They'd already discovered that the both of them were decent climbers but not very fast crawlers. That meant they'd be unable to escape through the door as it would attract attention with the noise and they wouldn't be able to flee from the scene fast enough.

Miko grinned cheekily and her gold optics glowed when she spotted a vent right next to the berth they were on.

"Jack, look! We just need to pull the cover off and then we can climb through!"

"Great thinking, Miko! Come on, it'll take both of us to do it," he began crawling over to the vent with Miko following closely behind him.

They both reached the vent without attracting the attention of either of their guardians. Their little servos pulled and pulled until they heard creaking. Every so often they'd look back to see if Knock Out or Starscream were watching them. Eventually they managed to pull the cover off without creating too much noise. The duo smiled at each other victoriously before scampering off into the vents.

They didn't know where they were heading but they couldn't help but laugh out loud when they heard their guardians calling their "names" back in the medbay. The two sounded like they were mad with worry, probably because Megatron wouldn't be happy with them losing his two future elite warriors.

They continued crawling through the vents until they reached a dark room. It looked like someone's personal quarters but no one was in there so they figured they could hide in there for a while so that they could then progress to a ground bridge station. The two looked at how high up they were and realised they'd probably have to jump if they wanted to get in there.

They braced themselves as they pushed the cover off of this new vent. Their hands linked and they jumped but before they could land something grabbed them out of the air and held them in some sort of thin claws.

It was Lazerbeak, they were in Soundwave's quarters and now they could only guess that the symbiont was taking the two to his master.

"Soundwave means theres a ground bridge nearby though, right?" Miko tried.

Soon Lazerbeak had reached the helm and had dropped the little sparklings onto the surveillance officer's computer terminal. Said mech looked down at them through his visor causing them to whimper in fear. He prepared a couple of voice clip and compiled them together to speak to the little ones in front of him.

"Sparklings... must stay... with... guardians," Soundwave told them.

Miko and Jack looked at him defiantly as if to say "frag off". But their attention was quickly turned towards the door of the helm which opened for Megatron himself. Almost immediately, the Decepticon leader noticed the sparklings with his most trusted mechs and walked over to them.

"Now what are our two new additions doing without their guardians?" he sneered. He should have known Knock Out and Starscream were too incompetent to look after sparklings. Sparklings that couldn't even walk yet.

"No!" Miko squealed at him with an angry pout. She was quite annoyed that of all things, Lazerbeak found them and had taken them to the two big shots of the enemy faction.

"No what, seekerling," Megatron smirked. He seemed to like Miko, her fearlessness and courageousness was not something that was easily stumble across, "I don't think Starscream deserves the fun of getting to look after you, perhaps I'll take over your guardianship myself."

The door to the helm opened again but this time entered Starscream and Knock Out.

"My liege, I'm afraid we lost Onyx!" Starscream flicked his wings nervously.

"And Ryker!" Knock Out added on before looking at Soundwave and face palming.

"No!" Miko shouted and pointed at the two new mechs in the room.

Megatron smirked and picked Miko up and tightened his grip as she struggled against him. "So her name is Onyx, is it? It suits her, Starscream," his faceplates contorted into a growl, "If any of you lose one of these sparklings again, the payment is your empty spark chambers. These two will be trained when they are older to take over the roles that you so pathetically occupy."

Megatron then placed Onyx on the floor and allowed her to crawl away from him. Starscream took this as an opportunity to scoop up his little seekerling into his arms.

"Onyx, you must never run off like that again. Do you understand?"

"No!" she squealed at him causing Megatron to chuckle darkly.

"Leave," Megatron told them all making Knock Out pick up his charge and following Starscream and Onyx out of the room, "Soundwave, I want you to continue finding out how these sparklings came to be on Earth. They don't show any sign of relation to the Autobots."

Soundwave nodded and began typing at his super speed pace while Megatron went through reports.

"Hmph, the Autobots won't know what to expect when they find out about the Decepticons becoming their adoptive creators," Megatron smirked evilly. He knew Starscream would follow the plan but he was unsure of Knock Out. After all, it involved creating permanent spark links...

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