Autobot in Distress

Começar do início

"Miko, what is wrong?" he asked.

"No!" she squeaked at him as she pointed to the medbay.

He grasped onto her meaning quickly and smiled slightly.

"Yes, Miko. We have to make sure Rafael is recovering and help Ratchet if he needs anything," Miko softened a bit at this, "And, we have to see if your wings are developing correctly"

Miko's helm titled in confusion when suddenly a lightbulb clicked on over her head. She had completely forgotten that she was a flier!

"Opmus!" she squealed happily as she tried to turn and look at her tiny wing nubs and began stretching her arms over her shoulders to try and touch them.

Optimus' optics widened in delight at her second word, his name. Well, what she could manage to call him anyway. Aside from that, it seemed Miko was a lot more intelligent than she let on.

"Yes, those will be your wings once they have grown, little one," he said with a smile as he gently stroked the nubs.

Miko squealed once again in happiness at the news and pressed her back into Optimus' hand as they entered the medbay.

"Ratchet, how are Rafael's vitals from when you last scanned him?"

The medic turned his attention to Optimus and the happy sparkling rubbing her wing nubs against his giant hands.

"It seems he's getting better much quicker than anticipated. The cyberflu has barely even affected him more than it would have with any other sparkling."

"Is there any reason why?" the Prime inquired.

"I'm suspecting its the fact that they were once humans. As humans they must have gotten illnesses similar to this at some point in their lives. This could mean that their bodies, despite being changed, will already have developed antibodies to know how to quickly deal with the virus."

Optimus nodded as he took in the information. It sounded like a reasonable thesis, however they knew they couldn't be certain unless they had further evidence produced by Jack and Miko. But, Optimus knew that he would try and keep them out of harms way as much as he could, that included trying to stop them from getting ill. He'd allowed it to happen to Raf and he regretted that he hadn't taken into consideration that the sparklings could easily become ill.

"I'm guessing you decided now was a good time to check up on Miko's wing growth?" Ratchet said as he took the sparkling from his arms.

"Indeed, considering she didn't seem to want to let me leave her," he smiled as Miko looked at Ratchet with wide optics.

She was placed down on the berth on her stomach. She whined and began trying to wiggle and crawl away but Ratchet's hand kept her securely pinned to the surface.

"Miko, the more you struggle, the longer this check up will last" he told her smoothly as he felt the area around her wing nubs.

"Why you gotta do it like this?!" She demanded and Ratchet chuckled at her cute squeals before continuing.

It was only when he lightly pinched the wing nubs that she began to wriggle even more which made the medic smile in success.

"Well, their growth is noticeable. Her wing nubs are much bigger than three days ago. I'd say another few days until they fully come through. They also seem to be functioning correctly as they are very sensitive but gaining resistance against casual movements," Ratchet smirked as he let the seekerling sit up and watched as she batted at his hand and hissed at him.

"I can see that they are quite sensitive," Prime let out a small, rare chuckle as he watched the small assault on his old friend's hand.

"Is Bumblebee still in the main room with Raf?" he asked his leader as he passed the armful of excited Miko to him.

{DISCONTINUED} The World From a Different Point of ViewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora