Chapter Twenty-Six

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"I had court today" Kamille said taking a fry off the tray giving it Erin.

"For what?"


"So you decided to do it?"

"Yeah. I signed the papers and took them in they still needed her to come in but she didn't even show up."

"So are you going to adopt him?"

"When I spoke with Ace's lawyer he said it would be the smartest thing to do so that she can't just come back and say she wants to take him back.We basically did everything today so he is officially my son."

"Wow Im really proud of you honestly. I know I could never." Kesaria spoke up

"But what else do you have to get for the babies?" Kesaria asked

"Im not really sure I know I got a lot from the shower I haven't even went through half of it. I was hoping since you and Kemari were still here you guys could help me Emeria and Aalysia here go through all of it."

Although the baby shower was almost two months ago they still decided to leave things how they were. Kamille was now seven months pregnant and to say ready to pop was an understatement.

"Im down." Kemari said looking at Kesaria

"For sure."

"Yall could stay with us at the condo since you guys are helping us." Kamille suggested

"I mean we wouldn't want to intrude. Ashton and Giavonni are still here as well we were just going to try and find-"

"Nonsense I have plenty of space" Kamille said waving her off.

"We still haven't moved the extra bed out of the twins room you guys could take that and the living room is always up for grabs as well."


"Kamille your phone." Aalysia motioned her towards her phone

"Let me take this." Kamille said sliding walking away from the table


"Where you at?"

"The mall why?"

"We need you away from ya spot for a while." Lamar said shuffling

"What? What happened?"

"I'll explain later. Ima text you an address just go there with ya folks yall will be straight there this shit aint safe right now."

"Lamar what do you mean you'll tell me later! You're basically kicking me out of my own shit the hell is-"

"Somebody broke into yo' shit!" Lamar said trying to just get her to shutup

"What?" Kamille asked as she felt her heart drop and her face scrunched up.

"Look don't start all that crying shit man. Some shit just not right, right now and we don't need yo- none of yall near this shit."
"Alright." Kamille said a little bit above a whisper "See you later."

It was feeling like every time she took a step forward she was pushed back five. She knew shit wasn't going to be smooth sailing but with Ace already gone she just figured things wouldn't be as bad. Kamille knew she wanted something with her name on it so she was now attending cosmetology school. With her already had taken up cosmetology as a trade at school she had less hours to complete so it would be easier

for her to be done.

Luckily for her she had the money to open her own shop and that's exactly what she was in the process of doing. Of course things got stressful with taking care of the other businesses herself and Erin but she made it all work. Kamille hadn't even made a dent in the money Ace left for her and she had already tripled it by upgrading the shops and adding more additions. She was grateful to have Aalysia and Kesaria because they was there every step of the way helping her.

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