Thirteen: Before (4)

Start from the beginning

"Brendon that's not-" I began.

"What is it then Vic?" Brendon asked and the way he looked at me let me know that he was aware that I knew about his feelings. He was challenging me.

"It's just-"

"You're as obsessed with Danielle as he is," Brendon snapped suddenly. "You think I can't see but I do."

"What?" Kellin squeaked from below me. "You like Danielle?"

"No," I said quickly to Kellin, but my attention was more focused on the energy radiating off Brendon. "Calm down."

"I am calm," Brendon said.

I couldn't describe it but my powers had heightened into being able to read the energy fields off of other people. When people got too caught up in their emotions, their fields would shift completely from what they'd regularly be. Right now, Brendon's was in a complete different dimension to him.
He was going to do something stupid very soon if I didn't stop it.

"Go get him," Kellin said to me. "Go get Ryan so we can all work this out before we get caught for being awake."

"He could be anywhere," I said exasperatedly. "I don't know where to teleport."

"Gardens," Brendon said slowly. "By the olive tree."

"You're reading his mind?" I asked, shocked. "But you're so far away from him, I've never seen you do it at such a great distance-"

"He told me," Brendon cut me off. "Right before he left."

I nodded, sucking in a deep breath and feeling that familiar tingly feeling whenever I tried to do this. If I could get Ryan back in one piece it'd be a miracle. But actually, it probably wouldn't matter because it looked like Brendon was going to rip him into a million shreds.


"I'm causing them to split," Danielle said, kicking her legs out over the side of the roof. "I knew that Brendon would be jealous."

"You didn't know-" I began.

She smiled. "Of course I did, Victor. I know everything."

"Oh," I said, "right, I forgot."

"When I told you I could see into the future," Danielle grinned harder, "I really thought it would be something you would remember."

Danielle had told me about how she had inklings of fairy blood or something strange like that in her heritage. It had given her family all sorts of strange gifts that wizards wouldn't normally have been able to acquire.

I didn't know this back then, but now, a hundred years later I realised it was the sole reason for why I couldn't ever adapt to her type of magic. I had definitely tried to see into the future like she could, but I'd never been able to envision something like that. I thought her gift was similar to Kellin's - so unique it was just something I wouldn't be able to do. (However the reason I couldn't do her type was just because all I had pumping through my veins was pure wizard blood, without the interference of other species to enhance my powers.)

"So aren't you bored with everything?" I asked. "Have you already seen us have this conversation?"

She smiled again, shooting me a sideways glance. "I can see snippets of important events. Sometimes if I want, I can see the outcome of certain choices but it usually gives me massive migraines."

"Was that why you were in the hospital wing that day?" I asked. "When we came to see Kellin, I mean."

She nodded. "I tried too hard to see something and I almost had an aneurysm because of it."

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