Chapter 2

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Upon seeing the Alpha being angry, I screamed and struggled out of the Beta's hold and hid behind Zach's legs. The Alpha sighed before saying, "Someone explain to me what is going on." Everyone looked around, stared at me before they looked at Elder Joshua.

"We do not exactly know Alpha. However, we know that we do not have to fear for the safety of the pack because she poses no threat. It's actually a mystery of how she shifted with knowing it." Elder Joshua held his hand out for me to take. I grabbed it and he put me in front of him facing the Alpha. " Abby, this is Alpha Nick, he is the leader of the pack and makes sure everything runs smoothly."

"Hello Alpha." I say quietly. He nods his heads towards me and a pull the blanket tighter around me, to get out of his stare.

"What do you mean she did not feel her shift? its the most painful thing in the world." He grabbed my face and I whimpered, his hold was tight.

"I-I di-didn't know, all I was doing was walking to the park and thinking of the upcoming project that is going on in school. The project is about our favorite animal and what is wrong with the species and how we can conserve them in the future." My hands were shaking, heck I think my whole body was shaking.

"And what happens to be your favorite animal Abby?" The Alpha loosen his hold on my face.

"A wolf sir." I said quietly. I looked down from his face when he released my face from his bruising grip. I quickly walked back behind Zach, hoping he could protect me.

"The irony in this situation. But her father is on his way here so we can give her food and clothes while we wait for him and ask him questions when he gets here. How long till he gets here?" The Alpha looked at his Beta.

"In about 2 hours or less. He might speed here because he sounded quite frantic about Abby being here. I'll see that she gets clothes and fed." Ron stood up and walked to me. "Zach you can go back to your duties, though I believe that your shift is over for the day. Thank you though for bringing her here." They shook hands and I slowly came in front of Zach.

"I'm just glad I only knocked her down instead of attacking her like a rogue." He turned me to face him, "Be good for Beta Ron. I'll be back in time to see your father with you, okay?" I nodded my head. "Good job squirt." He ruffled my hair.

"Hey!" I pushed his hands off of my head before he laughed and walked off. Before he walked out of the room though, he growled at Jackson, slamming shoulders with him. Jackson growled back but stood shaking in place.

Jackson looked back into the room, more so looking at me, so I stuck my tongue out at him. He growled and took a step towards me. I growled at him, not liking him at all. My hands feel weird and I look down at them, they had claws. I screamed and shook my hands. Like that helped.

"Calm down Abby and they will go away." Elder Joshua said, holding my shoulders. But I couldn't stop freaking out. I kept thinking about what could happen if I got mad at my brother Ethan. Would I cut him? Could I kill him? A new wave of fear and sadness came over me and I started to cry. "Abby, this won't help you got to calm down." The Elder tried again.

"She can't control her shifts yet. Hell she didn't know she was a werewolf!" The Beta tried shooshing me to calm down but even he couldn't calm me. "Alpha, can't you order her to calm down?"

"No, she isn't pack and she is newly shifted. My Alpha voice will not work on her." He shook his head.

My head started to hurt and it made grip my head hard with my clawed nails. I felt them pierce the skin but I didn't care. I just couldn't bare the thought of hurting my brother.

Jackson's POV

Watching the girl scream and cry was painful to watch. You could see her struggling with the internal problem, but none of the high ranks know what to do. Heck, she is thirteen and cant control her shift, and to be honest, she might be going through some female problems.

Female WarriorNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ