Chapter 3

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Heyy guys! So it has been about what? A little over year since I updated. Well here is another one and hopefully it wont be another year till the next. This quarter has been slow so I have a lot of free time. Anyway thanks for reading and I hope you like it

--LeeAnn :)


"You gotta be kidding me Abby! I understand the wolf is your favorite animal but you can't be one." I looked up at him and I can feel the tears in my eyes.

"I promise daddy, I'm not lying! I have proof that I am a werewolf!" I cried desperately. I felt a hand on my back, rubbing it to calm me down before the claws come out. I turn and see Jackson sitting there with his hands on my back. "Can I show him?"

"It is not my blessing you need. Go ask the Alpha." He gave me an encouraged shove towards the Alpha.

"Quit getting those ideas stuck in her head. She doesn't have to get permission from a stranger. She can show me what's bothering and what caused her to be here." My dad did not understand the dynamic that goes on here. I did not either, but it was like instinct was driving me, and my authority shifted from my dad to the Alpha.

"Alpha," I bowed my head to show my respect, "may I show my dad my claws?" It was silent for a moment. I could feel his eyes boring into the top of my head.

"You may. But it might be better for you to shift completely. It will help later shifting easier as you do it more. " I looked up at him and smiled. I nodded my head enthusiastically and ran back to where I was in front of my dad.

"Watch this daddy! It's going to be super cool, and maybe gross." At first I thought if I think of a random wolf, I would just turn into one, but I was mistaken. "How do I do it again?"

"Just picture what your wolf looks like and should feel a slight discomfort somewhere in your body." Elder Joshua said.

"What does my wolf look like?" I asked with a nervous laugh.

"This is getting ridic-" My dad started to talk but Elder Joshua interrupted.

"You have a lovely brown coat with a white paw on your back paw. Your eyes are also a dark brown and your tail is fluffy with a black tip." As Elder John was talking I was imagining what my wolf looked like. I soon felt a tingly sensation in my hands. I kept thinking of my wolf until the tingly sensation is all over my body and I feel my muscles shaking. Pop. I felt my shoulder give and I gave a tiny whimper.

"What the hell! What are you guys doing!" I here my dad yell but I just focus on shifting. Crack. I fall to my knees as my femur breaks. I can feel myself crying and maybe screaming. "Whatever you guys are doing, just stop." I feel him come closer but then there was a grunt. "Back away so I can help her."

"Sorry but you can not interfere with a shift." I heard Beta Ron say.

"Get the fuck off!" I can hear a scruff going on but I was only focused on completing this shift. There was a final pop and soon everything stood still. I was breathing heavy but it wasn't through a mouth but through a muzzle. I opened my eyes and looked around.

Congrats, you shifted by yourself. I heard the voice in my head say to me. Thanks, it hurt a lot this time. I slowly stood up on my legs and looked up at my dad. He was being held by Jackson and Beta Ron, but he had this disbelief look on his face. "Abby?" I yipped and slowly walked up to him. He suddenly took a big step back. "Stay there. Do not come closer." I whimpered and laid down doing a crab crawl, trying to look less threatening. "NO! Stay there." I flinched at his loud voice booming. My ears lain flat on my head as he walked over to my brother, holding him close while staring wide eyed at me. "You can't possibly be my daughter. I can't turn into a beast."

My eyes widened, I felt like I been stabbed and I can't breathe. I started to whine but it wasn't my doing. The wolf was just as hurt by the words as me. He held the baby tighter like he was protecting him from me. Did he think I would attack my brother? Shock ran through me when I realized that was exactly what he was doing. I backed up till I bumped into the table. Feeling cornered, my wolf took me to the next best thing that could protect us from this pain. She ran right to the feet of the Luna and Alpha. I was a crying mess as I tried to bury my wolf head into the Lunas leg.

"What the fuck is wrong with you! That is your daughter you are talking about!" I looked up to see Jackson screaming in Dads face. "Can't you see your hurting her by showing your scared?! She may be a different creature at the moment but she is still her. She can understand what is going on and she knows that you are her father." Jackson was all huffy and soon backed up.

"Jackson calm down. There is nothing we can do about his opinion." The Alpha stood up while the Luna ran her hand over my head, trying to calm me down as well. "I however agree. This is your daughter that put her faith in you to comfort her or be at least reasonable." Alpha was now standing next to Jackson, putting his hand on his shoulder to hopefully calm him down.

"I do not care anymore. Her mother obviously cheated because neither of us can do that." His words were like venom to my ears. Luna tried to soothe me by cooing at me and running both her hands along my face and ears, but I only whimpered harder. "I can't deal with this shit. She is not allowed back at my house. I do not want to know when she will spontaneously shift and could attack my son." Jackson start to growl again, while i kept whimpering. I looked up just as Jackson started to shift, sending his clothes flying across the room.

He started to pace and growl behind the Alpha. Alpha looked down at him and sighed. He hardened his glare as he looked at Dad. "Well Mr. Whinehouse, how do you suggest we do with her?" His voice was gravely and angry.

"Keep her. I'll send her stuff through the mail show she can at least have that crap. Now, if there is nothing else, I'm going to go home and away from you freaks." He starts towards the door, turning his back but just as he was about to reach for the handle, Elder Joshua spoke.

"If you walk out that door, your wife will not only lose her daughter but so will you. She will not return to you if were to decide that you want her back. This also means you can not talk about this with anyone. If you so much whisper the words to another being, our warriors will be at your house, taking your life away." I looked up shocked that this old man threatened my dad like that. I slowly walked up to the group, hoping my Dad will change his mind. But he only shakes his head and looks me dead in the eye.

"I will never want her again, but you have my word that I will not talk about this because I will be deemed insane by many." With the final shattering of my heart, I dropped to the ground sobbing a wolf sob. Little howls came out of my mouth as well as hiccups and snot bubbles. I watched as the person I looked up to walked out of my life. I felt something nudge me but I didn't look away from the empty doorway.

I felt teeth on my scruff and soon I was being lifted. I curled into a ball as Jackson carried me somewhere. I didn't know and I didn't care. He made many turns and went down to the outside. I could faintly hear the last rumbles of my Dads truck as he left. I never got to say goodbye to brother. My brother who will never known me. My big sister status got taken away from me and I could do nothing about it. My depressed mood continued on a downhill slope.

Jackson carried us to a small cabin in the woods. I saw other cabins but they were pretty far. Probably for privacy reasons. He scratched at the door till it opened and then walked in. He turned left into a nice size living room. He kept walking till he was in a corner that has lots of fuzzy looking blankets and some pillows. I didn't understand why they would be there until we walked to it and he did a couple circles then laid down. He dropped me next to him and I looked up confused. He kept nudging and whining, then he did something that made me more confused. He started to lick my head. I could hear my inner wolf laugh but also calm down from the grooming.

What is he doing?

He is trying to comfort us. Just by his body language, he wants us to rest.

Well I'm okay with that. My emotions were drained and I just needed to sleep.

What happened today was not yours or my fault. He is an ignorant human being who doesn't understand. Now get some sleep human. This wolf will take care of us. Her voice faded as my body relaxed further into Jackson and the blankets. I can feel them being pulled over me and I was soon into dreamland.

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