Welcome To Rue Xen City

Start from the beginning

"I was just talking to Huang Tuo and Ka Suo just a few moments ago? How can this be?" Which was true, she couldn't been out for that long.

"Ah! You're awake! " Huang Tuo appeared with medication in hand.

Huang Tuo shared a smile at Ying Kong Shi before he entered himself inside breaking the two conversations short.

"Come come, you need to take these to get you feeling better"

Setting the tray down, Huang Tuo turned to still seeing them both staring at each other. Smacking his lips, he hurried and pulled Pink Orchid so she could hurry take the medicine to get herself to feel better.

"The Prince was nice enough to lend his room for you to rest in" Huang Tuo said as he prepped the herbs into the medicine.

"This is Ying Kong Shi's room?"

Heaving out another sigh, she felt like she was going to get sick. How can this happen? She made herself look weak in front of the man she swore to protect. Snapping back to Huang Tuo, he had blew on the broth to cool it down before handing it towards her .

Glaring at Huang Tuo she then leans in and takes the soup. The bitterness made her face scrunched as the hint of the ginger kicked in. Huang Tuo begin to care for her as she took her medicine.

''I picked these herbs out in the garden, these will help you soothe out your dizziness and maintain your energy"

Ying Kong Shi stood there for several moments while he watched Huang Tuo care for the stranger. Soon after he gotten into thought he then left without a word.

Huang Tuo saw that he had left without a reason, sitting up a but he  had tried to call out for the prince but it was already to late.

" Prince Ying Kong Sh-"

"Something is bothering him," Pink Orchid said.

His personality started to become cold, more distant to that. She knows exactly what he's feeling , he felt lost and determined like she is. Balding her fist up she needs to find any source just to help Ying Kong Shi out. His first motive was to find any way to get his brother his immortality and to find a way to win over the throne. This would take many trial and error but he was not going to face it alone.

"Healer, are you sure there isn't any way to retrieve Prince Ka Suo powers back?"

Hoping for a good answer this time, Huang Tuo sat there thinking hard but he really couldn't recall in anything. This case was quite hard to figure out but suddenly his face lighten up.

''Ah! What I can think of is the only way for him to regain his power back is from the Devouring Spirit  Sword, One must kill another immortal and regain there spiritual powers, but that is too risky. Ka Suo is to kind and killing isn't a thing to do"

''What about sharing spiritual powers?"

"Sharing spiritual powers?" Huang Tuo blinked at Pink Orchid as he bursted out laughing, It really wasn't a bad idea but either way it was still to risky to even try. "I never thought about it, but if that means like sharing a body then....maybe it can restore him. Hm, why are you so curious about it? "

Getting a bit speechless, she had stared at Huang Tuo who just just a curious as can be. Pink Orchid cleared her throat as she opened her mouth.

"It's well, I believe that Prince Ka Suo will become great as King and he could protect the 3 kingdoms. That's why I wish to help in honor of the new king"

Huang Tuo stared at her blankly as he then smiled at her answer.

"Of course! Ka Suo will be great king! The announcement has been on hold since the Ice King isn't sure who to pick. But whomever the king will be, me and the others will support fully for they both are great kings"

Things were getting to intense with this situation against Ying Kong Shi and Ka Suo, this must be a bit hard to face and it was very chilling for both sides.

Hoping that the solution of sharing some of her spiritual powers work she could try to transfer it to him without any use of the Devouring Spirit Sword or if that wouldn't work she can also try to take the remaining spirits of the Cherry Blossom Tree.

Clenching her hands tightly, she would be committing something more than a sin. Those were the other souls who had still stayed behind and if she took them in to save Ka Suo, she would regret it,  either way there was always pros and cons during this situation but she had to help. Pink Orchid shouldn't get to ahead of herself sh needed to figure things through and re-track on any other ways.

Hearing a knock from the entrance, The Ice King had entered while both Pink Orchid and Huang Tuo stood up immediatley. Bowing before there King the Ice Kings gaze turned to Huang Tuo as he spoke.

"How is she?" He asked

The Ice King looked very calm but yet so worried behind his presence. No one can hide there true self behind there mask son perfectly. The Ice Kingdom had been slowly falling from the Fire Tribes attack, knowing the weaknesses of the Prince and Princesses, they had eliminated them right from the spot without a struggle . Many was wounded and those who were dear was all lost from the hands of the Fire Tribe. Nothing can be anymore tragic than the Ice Kingdom itself .

"Your majesty, she is fine. She just had been dehydrated and needed immediate attention" Huang Tuo was slightly nervous from the Ice King presence that he didn't know he was so close to Pink Orchid to the point he wanted to hold her in his comfort.

"What is your name?" He asked Pink Orchid who responded back.

''Pink Orchid, your majesty"

Folding her arms over her chest, she slightly bowed before her King as in a form of respect .

The name seemed to have triggered something from the Ice Kings thought but it wasn't as clear, pacing himself across the room he then found this woman to be skeptical, maybe this was the girl his son was calling out in his sleep.

"I heard your concerns towards the Prince, you must be one of his close friends. In my honor you may stay in the kingdom as a guest and you are free to make yourself at home"

"Thank you your majesty" Bowing at the King, The King nodded in approval of her respect as he looked over at Huang Tuo.

"Remember to always check up on Ka Suo and our guest " The Ice King said before he walked out along with the Ice Maids.

Huang Tuo bowed respectfully as he looked over at Pink Orchid, a huge smile appeared on his face as he spoke.

"Welcome to Rue Xen City Pink Orchid" Huang Tuo said as he chuckled to himself.

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