Feeling small painful pokes, Pink Orchid slowly regained concious from the feeling. Focusing on the random stranger his eyes soon met hers as they both screamed in suprise, immediately sitting up Pink Orchid jumped out of the bed as she grabbed unto a nearby object she could lay her hands on.

"No! Don't hurt me!" The male cried before ducking for safety,

Pink Orchid was confused as she looked around the strange room before her. Snapping back her attention to the entrance another figure sooned popped inside the room as her eyes maintain on them.

"Ka Suo?"

"What's the matter Huang Tuo?" He asked without noticing Pink Orchid was awaken.

Huang Tao pointed his finger at Pink Orchid as he hurried and hid behind the Prince Ice Prince.

"You're awake. Please put that down and we can speak"

Trusting Ka Suo without hesitation she slowly sat the vase down as she held unto her head. She soon felt light-headed again and it had made her uncomfortable.

"What's wrong with me?" Pink Orchid asked in fustration, is this the after effects of the Birth orb?

Feeling as she was about to faint again, Huang Tuo hurried and came to her side as he held her for support.

Getting sat back on the bed, Huang Tao grab ahold of her wrist and placed his point and middle finger unto her wrist to check for her pulse rate and condition, he then shook his head in confusion as he looked over at her.

"Eh, nothing seems wrong. Just a little dehydrated and restless. You should rest. I bet you had a long day" Huong Tuo nodded assuring her to lay back down.

Was she really that fine like he said? How come she feel so weak? Maybe the event that happened earlier had drained her physically and mentally.

Even though, she apparently was born into this world so she needs to start adapting to things eventually now that she has a body.

Watching just about, Huong Tuo and Pink Orchid stared at Ka Suo who was concentrated on the glass of water, he was obviously quiet and was concentrating one something else

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Watching just about, Huong Tuo and Pink Orchid stared at Ka Suo who was concentrated on the glass of water, he was obviously quiet and was concentrating one something else .

Looking as if he's trying to cast a spell , nothing barley came out and it looked like he was struggling to even turn the water into solid.

"What's wrong, why can't he cast anything?" Pink Orchid asked as Huang Tuo shook his head sadly.

"During retrieving his brother Ying Kong Shi and the Ice Crystals to secure back the Ice Curtain. Lan Shang was hurt during the process. Trying to get her back to the Mermaid Saint the Fire Tribes was already there and awaiting for them, Huo Yi demanded the rest of the ice crystals or exchange Prince Ka Suo life . Ka Suo tried to fight it out but Huo Yi managed to kidnap him and trap him in his Globe Of Despair. That's when he tortured and manipulate Ka Suo which agripped away his immortal powers, luckily Ying Kong Shi managed to enter or he wouldn't have not made it. The healing process for him was quite risky but I managed to fix him up. There are fairys that has been living inside him and they sucked all the remaining powers out of him"

Feeling sad for Ka Suo she couldn't imagine what he went through, it must be the worse pain ever but yet he still stands strong even in his state. No wonder Ying Kong Shi admires him.

"Is there a way to get regain it back?" She asked again to try to figure out a plan but all Huang Tuo did was shook his head.

"Ka Suo is no longer a immortal. He has no more power left in him. All we could do is just stay by his side and hope for the best"

Biting unto her lip, there had to be another way to regain his powers, Ka Suo soon made his way over towards the both of him as he smiled and handed her the glass of water.

"How can you manage to smile when you're going through so much?"

"Thank you" Reaching for the glass she then thanked him before taking a sip of the water, the thought of Ka Suo losing his powers made her devastated.

Did everything had to go like this? Is that why Yong Kong Shi was saddened about? The thought of the brothers made it more worse to handle but for some reason she had to take immediate action even if they didn't know her.

"Well, since you're okay. I advise you to take rest. Ah Ka Suo, I have to check up on you now. Let's get going before Ying Kong Shi beheads me" Teasing at Ka Suo , Ka Suo then nodded before he looked over at Pink Orchid.

"Take care of yourself" she said to Ka Suo.

Ka Suo was a bit flattered at the random guest caring state, it was something about her that made him feel relaxed despite the situation he was in. Giving her a nod , Huang Tuo and Ka Suo both left the room.

Watching Huang Tuo walking out with Ka Suo, Pink Orchid just sat there lost in the whole story about Ka Suo and his immortality, why didn't she pay close attention to it earlier when they were fighting back at the Cherry Blossom Tree? Hitting herself on her head as a punishment she then sighed.

"There must be another way to regain his powers but what about the fairy's?"

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