Chapter 1

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Authors note: so this is my first story on wattpad!! I don't have much experience writing so please excuse my errors...

Addison walked down the hallway, trying to keep his head down and stay unnoticed as his ex, Tom, walked down the hall as well, coming from the other direction. Besides Addison and Tom, the hallway was empty. Just as they walked passed each other and Addison thought he would be safe he felt a hand grab his shoulder and slam him into the wall
"Eek!!" Addison squeaked in surprise.
"Oh shut up would you?!" Tom shouted in Addison's face. Addison winced and looked away but Tom grabbed a fist of Addison's silky, blond hair and pulled it to make him look up at him.
"What do you want Tom!?" Addison growled, trying to sound intimidating.
"I just wanted to have some fun poppet.." Tom said with a grin.
"Please let me go!! I really need to get home!! I can't be late. I need to do homework!! Please!!" Addison begged.
"Fine. Worthless, fox." Tom growled and pushed Addison away. Addison quickly dashed out of Tom's sight and out the school and hurried home.

Once he arrived back home he walked into the kitchen and saw his mother cooking.
"Hi mom!! I'm home!!" He said with a smile. His mother looked over at him and smiled.
"Hello Addison... How was your day??" She asked. Addison paused and stared at the ground for a few seconds.
"Fine... Anyways... Where were you today mom?? We had a substitute in art." He asked.
"Oh. I was at a meeting. Next week I'll be leaving to go teach some other advanced art students for a while." His mom told him.
"How long?? How far??" Addison asked.
"Three and a half months. And it is far... I will be needing to take a plane." She told him. Addison sighed and stomped one of his feet.
"But that means you'll be gone for Christmas!! Ugh!! Why do you have to go?!" He asked.
"Addison it'll be fine. I'll make it up to you.. Just go to your room and do your homework." She said and went back to making dinner.

Addison stood there for a few seconds and then sighed and nodded and ran to his room and closed the door. He sat down on his desk and opened his backpack and pulled out some papers and began to work on his homework. He hated it. But it took his mind off of the fact that he would be home alone for so long. He really liked his mom's company and he hated being alone. He always had this bad feeling like something or somebody was watching him, even though it was of course just his imagination.

Worthless animal (a zoophobia fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now