The Fallout

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it was n sundee mornin n jin woek up all shook bc he had a nitemare 😥 "ohnohno" he panic. suga was lyin on the bed acrose teh rome and told jin to shut the fuok up lol. jin got up n went to the kitchun to maek evryon brekfest coz he was a real good cock.
"jin hyung" a cute lil bebe voice sed. it was john cook n hw was eeting hornflakes "y u loke sad n shit?" he asked nicely an placed a buff arm on jins worldwide shoulder. jin was mad at junkbook for eating without w8ing for the other members so he slapped jumphooks bak n told him to let jin cook in piece. poor jam hook just wanted to see if jin was ok bc he had seemd sad lately and that maed cook woried. jin finished makin breekfest an the otter membrs cummed out to eat jin good food. kook sat next to jin an nudjed his leg with his foot to say that he love n suport him no mayer wat.
"ok we got reyersels at 3 today n then photon shoots n then yall can do wut u want." sad namhoon. shoga loked at geemin n sed "wana do the secks?"
"yoongay!" gemin gasp. jin jus look sad bc they luv each other so much even tho he no they never did the secks bc geemin 2 chicken. koke notice jin watch them n rubed his thic thigh agains jins no homo tho ;). "juncock i am ok." jin wipsed.
"jin let go 4 a walk bab." oferd juncock.
"no am not fuckin gay." hised jin.
"i was just sayin a walk. gee." cocks voice craked. gayhyung herd kook bout to cry n say "wot rong junglook?" he reched his arm oyt n graps kooks all lovingly n shit an stairs deep into his seoul. junglook brush him of gently an sais he fine but that they shld go bolin l8r 4 fun. this maed jin ngry but he donno y.


"ok les go agan. jeehop and geemin u guys need 2 do betr im sick of ur bad dansing." yeled namcoon. "jin u nede to show tem how it is don." joon made jin perfrom the hole dance proply n everyon was a maze at how gode he dances, expecially dungkook. 'wow i wish i cold dance liek that' he thot as jin did 5 backflips and sum cole moves. he like how jins bak mousles rippled wen he dance n his coot smile. he was a handsome boy. they had 1 last run threw "tranananaadigopodresa" taethrung start 2 sing Deoxyribonucleic acid. gemin n jhop wer betar at dancin this teim but stil wern as gode as jin. it was cumin to teh corress but then jin crash 2 ground bc jhop had his foot in teh rong place so jin tripped on it. wen jin fell he acidhently fel on bumcook by accident. stoopid jlope startd apollojizzing n geemin started cryin so shoga got angry at jin for maekin geemin cry and then taegung got mad at jin 4 falin on john cook n then namloon got mad at tae 4 yelin at jin n then jhope started scremin n ran out the room n geemin started ballin hardr n ther was so much noise n jin was shok n scarred so he bury his face in jungjooks muscle chest witout thinkin. aftr a few secons an shiga sayin "u dumb thottie u mak my boyfend cry im gon kik ur ass" n namdoon sayin "shoot up slugga u cant rap" then it all wen silent beside gemmin cryin n jin relised he was on top of jungkok n quickly scooted of the hot boy reluctntly.
yoongay stard into namjoons soul with his deadlie eyes. "im gonna kick u in the ribs." he threaten namhoon.

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