Ch. 27 Just like the beast

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I finally got up and walked to the door. I inhaled deeply and opened it.

My jaw dropped as I saw Lisa.

"Hello, YN." she said with a fake smile on her face. "I need to see Michael.."
"He's not here."
"What do you mean he's not here?"
"He's gone." I wasn't gonna tell her where he was. I was afraid that she could follow him and try to seduce him. That made me so jealous and I didn't wanna risk our love with Michael.
"How am I supposed to know! Now if you'll excuse me.." she looked to her left, then to her right and said with a low voice

"Listen, young lady... I know very well what's going on."
"Don't pretend in front of me! I know what's going on between you and Michael." my blood froze. "I ain't stupid. I did see the way he was looking at you and the you were looking at him, but let me tell you this... He's mine and always will be mine. If you don't stay away from him, I'm gonna tell your parents, then I'm gonna call Michael's mom and tell her everything."
"What makes you think they'll believe you, hun?" bitch.
"Let's try and see if they'll believe me..." she whispered. That bitch was getting on my nerves!!!
"Why don't you turn around and leave instead, ha?"
"Michael's gonna be mine again and you're gonna go. I get everything that I want, YN, and I'll get Michael too." she turned around and walked over to her fancy car. She gave me one last, evil look before she got in and left.

I'm gonna go? What was that supposed to mean?

That bitch was crazy, no wonder Michael left her.

Great, now I had another person threatening me.

What if she was the werewolf? Was it possible?

Let me think for a moment...

The werewolf appeared when Michael came into our town. Then Lisa came and saw us together. Maybe she got so jealous that she started hunting our town and she wanted me, because she knew that Michael loved me! If she killed me, then Michael was going to be hers again. This makes perfect sense! But Derek said the werewolf was old, even before 1953! So if Lisa was the werewolf, that meant she was... really old, but looked young. I had to ask Michael things about Lisa...

I didn't know what else could the beast want from me!

But if it was Lisa, why didn't it kill me the first time I saw it in the forest? And last night too? It could have killed me so quickly and easily, but it dragged me and then pointed at me!

I had to find out who the werewolf was!

My phone rung again.

Damn it! I couldn't think with all that noise! Phones, door bells! Who the hell was calling me!?


I picked up.

"YN, I.. I.." he sounded really bad.
"Are you okay?"
"We have a serious problem..." his voice was shaking.
"What problem?" I whispered, my voice filled with pure fear and my blood rushed to my head and it starting banging.
"The priest. He's dead." I felt my body become weak suddenly and I collapsed on the sofa.
"The werewolf?" was all I could say.
"No.. his body is decent. He must have died from a heart attack or something..." he fainted last night! Maybe it had something to do with his death!
"I'm coming!" I said and hung up.

I literally run to his house and I didn't know where I got the strength from, but I did it.

Daniel and Jess arrived too.

We went downstairs in the basement and before our eyes laid the corpse of the innocent priest. Derek was shaking.

"Have you any idea what this means? If someone finds out.. it's over with us! This is a murder, we're gonna end up in jail!"
"Oh God!" Jess burst into tears. "What are we gonna do now?! I don't wanna gonna to jail and if my parents find out.. Oh Lord!"
"This is crazy.." Daniel begun "It happened so fast.. my future will be ruined!"
"And I don't wanna spent my last days in jail!" Derek added.
"We're gonna get rid of the body." I blurted out. They all looked at me "What? The body can't stay here forever! Would you rather explain yourselves to the police?" they all shook their heads. "Then we get rid of it and when they start looking for the priest, we're gonna pretend we haven't seen him. We don't know anything about him, did you hear me?" they nodded "No matter how many times they ask, we don't know!" I looked at the body. "We have to get rid of him in a way that won't leave traces. This body has to disappear from the face of the earth as if it has never existed before."

I couldn't believe these words just came out of my mouth.

We murdered an innocent man, a man of God and now I proposed to get rid of his body like a serial killer.

I was cold and cruel.

Just like the werewolf.

I couldn't recognize my own self.

I was just like the beast.

Silver Sins [MJ FanFiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora