Myth- Reyna and Order

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Chaos and Order were once best friends and never thought of laying a hand on each other. When their father started to fade away he asked Chaos to take over as Ruler of the Universe. This angered Order so he asked his father why he couldn't be Ruler. Void told him that if he was the Ruler all the power would go to his head. Since his father was weak Order stabbed him with a blade that was enchanted to make a fading god fade immediately. Void laughed because he knew Order would do something like that. He smiled and said "Soon my son, you will realize that I was right. I knew this was going to happen and that I couldn't do anything to stop it. Remember, my death is on your hands." and with that, he faded away.

"Brother get ready. I will not spare anyone in the future war between us. Not even my little niece Reyna." Order said with a cold voice and hatred burning in his eyes. He disappeared into the shadows leaving his brother alone.

A few years passed and Order kept his promise. No one was spared in the war. Chaos needed a way to stop his brother but didn't know how. He sent messengers to talk but only their heads would come back. Chaos never wanted this to happen. His last plan was to send Reyna but he didn't want Order to kill her. She was his life and she would always be his little girl no matter how big she gets. One time she went missing Chaos went crazy looking for her thinking Order killed her but she just went for a walk and fell asleep in the woods

Chaos has been working on a cage that can hold Order and all he needs is a lock. He would regret what he was going to do but it was to save the Universe. He must sacrifice the person he holds closest to his heart. Reyna knew that she would have to die but she was fine with it. "Death is nothing to be afraid of. It's not preventable and you can't control when you die," she said with a brave face. Legend and Nate, the two boys who were in love with her, helped. Nate didn't want her to die though so tried to stop her. He was held back by Legend as she fought her uncle. Suddenly a hole in the earth was made by Chaos underneath Reyna and Order.

"It's ok dad I forgive. I'll make sure to lock him uptight." She said as she fell in holding her uncle. "I love you all."

"Are you dumb you are down here without a lock. I can fly back up after I kill you." Order screamed

Reyna smiled and laughed "Haven't you realized that I am the lock. You won't kill me because I know that my once loving and caring uncle is in this power-hungry husk of a person. I promised my dad that I would try and save you. He still loves you because no matter what you do we will always be family." Tears were streaming down their cheeks. She was so much like her grandfather. Order couldn't kill her. One of the two people who still cared for him. As they got closer to the ground Order spun them so that she was on top of him. That way he would take all the pain from the impact.

Once they were on the ground Order got into the cage and waited for her to lock him up but to his surprise she got in too. She locked them herself in with him because she didn't want him to alone. "Since I am the lock I can open it whenever I want so don't worry." she gave him her famous lopsided smile. His frozen heart was melted by her love for him and he realized that she was dead. That meant she could stay with him. He would never be alone.

Back on the surface Chaos was going crazy. A portal opened and a boy stepped out with a child in his arms. The boy was Legacy, Legend's best friend, and the baby was a girl named Ruby Rose. Legacy told Chaos not to worry about Reyna and that she is fine. Ruby is Reyna as a baby but wouldn't have any of her memories. Chaos calmed down a bit and took Ruby from Legacy. She was just like his little girl. Chaos was told that Hades had helped too and made a mental note to go thank him later. He thanked Legacy and said goodbye. He asked Legend and Nate if they wanted to be babies again. They said no and that when Ruby gets older someone needs to train her. The rest of the Primordials were watching and crying knowing Reyna died protecting them but somehow they knew she would come back one day to save them all again.

A/N- Currently working on Chapter 5

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