Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Time Skip

1,000 Chaos years

100 Earth year

Code names and powers

Percy- Tempest- All elements, mind reading, teleportation, shapeshifting, telepathy, invisibility, immortality, make portals

Luke- Alpha- same as Percy except making portals, teleportation,

Zoe- Astral- same as Percy except making portals, teleportation, and power over all elements

Nico- Midnight-same as Percy except making portals. Has shadow travel, summoning the dead, and knowing your greatest fear

Jason-Omega-same as Percy except making portals. Can fly, summon lightning

Thalia-Skye -same as Percy except making portals and teleportation, summon lightning

Castor- Vine -same as Percy except making portals, teleportation, and power over all elements

Lee- Arrow-same as Percy except making portals, teleportation, and power over all elements

Ethan-Retribution- same as Percy except making portals, teleportation, and power over all elements

Bianca- Angel-same as Percy except making portals and teleportation, shadow travel, summoning the dead

Silena- Radiance-same as Percy except making portals, power over all elements, and teleportation, charm speak

Beckendorf- Forge-same as Percy except making portals, and power over all elements, and teleportation, fire

Percy's POV

    It has been a year since I've thought about the earth. When dad said we had a mission on earth I begged him not to make me go. My uncles were going to destroy the earth and we had to stop them. I don't know how we're supposed to stop 3 primordials that are as powerful as Chaos "I know you hate earth but you have to. I already said we were helping. They are my brothers so we should help. If Order or Reyna were here they could think of something but they aren't. So we need to come up with a plan that doesn't involve anyone sacrificing themselves."

"I'm taking my team with me right?". If I was to survive I needed my family with me. That's right I said, family. Everyone who joined the army to be with me is my family. Not the people who killed me over lies. Luke was my closest friend always trying to making me happy when I was sad. Always goofing around trying to make laugh. He wouldn't give up unless I gave him a smile. He's getting better at it too. Something I noticed is that he's always giving me hugs saying he loves me and he would never leave me. I feel something in my heart when he says that but I just don't know what to call it.(Oh Percy you are such a kelp head) Anyway, I went to my room to pack my stuff for the long trip because I was the last one to know. Dad was afraid that I would blow something up again but I didn't do it this time.

I heard a small knock on my door "Percy are you ready to go?" Luke said in a soft voice. I answered that question by opening the door with my bag in my hand. Ruby has been getting more powers lately.

"Ruby why are you up, you aren't going with us on the mission."

"Yes, I am daddy said I could leave before you because the camp is going to be attacked when you guys are going to be at Olympus and I will tell you how I know that later. Bye Bye!" she shadow traveled before I could say anything. Wait since when could she shadow travel. I'll ask later. Yesterday I was helping her with teleporting and now she can easily shadow travel. Reyna can shadow travel. Anyway, it's time to go to Olympus to introduce ourselves. This SUCKS.

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