Q&A with John Flanagan

Start from the beginning

Rose: "Oh my I'm so ready for Gilan as a major character can't wait" (liked by JF)


Megan Sotelo: "How about fun little everyday facts about Halt you have in thought that you don't really bring up in the series? Like habits, secrets or something."

JF: "He picks his teeth with his arrowheads. JF"

(After many comments shared between Megan and me, and even JF, she has agreed to draw this and of course share it with us!)


Josiah Paradis: "Ruins of Gorlan and Burning Bridge had more fantasy elements, especially with the Wargals and Kalkara. What made you decide to depart from mythical creatures and other fantasy elements in future books?" (If I can just interfere for a moment, I feel like myths have always been an important factor throughout the entire series)

JF: "Initially I though I needed non-human creatures as enemies because I had a young protagonist. As we went on I decided we could become more realistic. A lot of people were writing mythical creatures and magic and I wanted a point of difference. JF"


Tauriel Elizabeth Mae: "Any plans for another Early Years book for RA?"

JF: "I don't think I'll be doing any more Early Years -- it's too hard to slide in around the facts that I've already written. The second Early Years book was very difficult for this reason. JF"


Jasneet Singh: "I just wanted to know how to pronounce Abelard's name, me and my friend always bicker about it."

JF: "I usually pronounce it Abelard :) JF"


Tarod Greyblood: "Is there any part of the world that you have created that you would like to write more about?"

JF: "I'd probably like to write more about Nihon-Ja. JF"


Josiah Paradis: "By the time I got to book 10, I hadn't thought of George for awhile, but was pleased to see him return. What were your reasons for bringing him back for a short while in 10?"

JF: "I needed him. I'd always said George was the most boring person in the world, but I needed someone who was good at languages and that was George! JF".


Lubos Prchal: "I want to ask, if there will be Wargals, or Kalkara, or some other creatures in the next books?"

JF: "No, the next book is set long after both Kalkara were killed, and as we all know, the Wargals all became peaceful and moved into the mountains and turned into vegans after Morgarath died. JF"


Miki Osborne: "Have you ever considered doing a series on the couriers? My husband constantly races about how cool it would bee to see a series follow Alyss."

JF: "I haven't considered a series on the couriers -- I have enough with the Rangers and the Brotherband, and it would bring up too many sad memories. JF"


Taylee Colebank: "Will Will get a happy ending??"

JF: "I certainly hope so, he deserves one, doesn't he! JF"

Rose: "If there's one person who deserves a happing ending it's Will - and if he doesn't get one I'll personally spend the rest of my life fighting for it." (liked by JF)


Marysia Szczepaniak: "Have you ever thought about writing a next adventure of Will and Horace?"

JF: "Not as such, but that's not to say it won't happen in upcoming books -- after all, Horace's daughter is now Will's apprentice. JF"


Jeff Cook: "I've always wondered why Will and Alyss didn't have children?"

JF: "I've wondered that myself, actually. I think they planned to, but events got in the way. JF"


Tama Valentine Cooper: "My daughter would like to know if more of the Ranger's Apprentice characters will meet the Brotherband in future books."

JF: "Gilan is features in several Brotherband books, but I don't think Hal and Will or Halt and Thorn will ever meet. I can't have too many heroes in one book! JF" (just spread it out over more books, we won't complain... but I get it haha)


Miki Osborne: "Also can Ingvar and Lydia please a couple?"

JF: "Well they could be, but I've noticed she's been looking little bit at Edvin lately..."


Andrew Brown: "Just curious, is Thorn based on anyone in particular?"

JF: "No, he's original! I really like him. JF"


Kelsey Kenneally: "Why did you kill off Stig's love interest in Brotherband book 6? I think you're going to get yourself a reputation as a love-interest-killer."

JF: "I was really sad to do it, I think I've given poor Stig a lot of tragedy in his life, but I think he's holding up, and it's good that he has the support of his Brotherband. JF"


Sam Willis Fischbeck: "In the recent book I love the nod to the Byzantines and the Ottomans. With that in mind, do you have any other places/civilisations that the band might visit or meet?"

JF: "I'm thinking of taking them into my version of Russia, to meet the Temujai. JF"


Some more fun facts.... John likes pineapple on a pizza (with pepperoni, not ham) and although he doesn't put honey in his coffee he does put too much sugar in it! He will also try to visit Melbourne more often, as he and his wife recently bought an apartment there!

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