Headcanon/One-Shot: No cloaks

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Okay please, just imagine the next thing (I got the idea from tumblr, but worked it out myself):

It's the annual Gathering, and all Rangers are there. But something has gone wrong, which has resulted in all Rangers being without a cloak. Imagine them like trying to blend with the trees or something and the persons they're hiding from are just like "???". The "Always trust your cloak", doesn't quite work anymore.

Imagine what several Rangers in particular are doing.

Halt is not even trying to move unseen; he knows it's like impossible so doesn't want to spend time on it. He's leaning against a tree, watching the other Rangers.

Will is closing his eyes and whispering: "You can't see me if I can't see you" because without his cloak, he doesn't know what to do with himself.

Halt raises an eyebrow when seeing Will doing this.

Crowley is just doing exactly the same as when he does have a cloak, but everyone can see him.

Halt sighs because of so much stupidity.

But Gilan is, in contrary to the other Rangers, able to move unseen. One way or another, without cloak still no one can follow him.

Halt doesn't really like this, and says to be capable of doing that as well. But although the other Rangers *Will/Crowley/Gilan* try to convince him to give it a try, Halt doesn't. So what does Gilan do? He tries to sneak up on Halt. Would have worked if Halt hadn't seen that one coming and if Crowley wouldn't almost have died of trying to hide his laughter. Too bad, Gilan. Next time try with cloak ;)

But please, just imagine.

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