Headcanon: "But..."

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Okay guys, please take a moment to imagine the next Willyss fluff:

So Will and Alyss are in the forest. Just walking, talking, taking some time for just the two of them. At some point, Will realizes that they're being followed. He demands Alyss to walk further, and he disappears into the forest to surprise the man in the back. What he doesn't notice, though, is that he makes a mistake. Thanks to that mistake, the man following them realizes what Will's plan is. He turns around, so that Will cannot surprise him anymore. What both men don't notice, is that Alyss fully understands the plans of both men. So while the man is surprising Will while the Ranger wants to surprise the man, Alyss surprises the man and knocks him out (she is just a badass girl with some sort of big twig ;)) when he tries to hit her. When a few moments later Will appears, he seems not to understand as Alyss explains to him.

"But," he says, but Alyss interrupts him.

"Look, honey, you're not perfect. Rangers aren't invincible, you know."

"I was going to ask," Will smiles, "if you are okay?"


Please comment if you agree :):):)

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