Someone Else Flirts With You

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Whether it be another member, or a low level mafia member, someone is flirting with you and they get “jealous.”

S. Coups

He wouldn’t let it get to him, because he would “fire” anyone who he had suspicions of. They would be gone before they could even see you.

“Any dumbass who even thinks of touching you should be ready to burn in a bonfire with the rest of my enemies.”


He wouldn’t do anything about it while it’s happening. About a week later, he would silently get rid of them.

“What was that, [Y/N]? Oh, you’re asking where they are? I think they’ve been transferred to another city. They’re perfectly fine!”


He would casually walk into the conversation you were having and just take you away.

“Were you two having a conversation? Oops, not anymore!”


If he was in a serious mood, he would knock out whoever is flirting with you right in front of you. Otherwise, he would just have a talk with the person.

“I’m not really sorry for ruining your relationship with them, but at least you still have me!”


He’s known for not caring about relationships, so everyone was surprised when they heard you were with him. No one even dared to go near you, knowing that he would definitely murder them if they tried anything.

“Well, I don’t know why everyone stays away from you. Don’t worry about it, though!”


The moment he saw anyone touch you, he would call them into another room. He’d come out after multiple screams were heard.

“I’ve just got them doing a bit of paperwork for a new deal. They’ll be in there a while.”


He most likely do the same as Wonwoo, with a bit more yelling. Afterwards, he would come out as if nothing happened, even if he was splotched in blood.

“Screaming? You must’ve been hearing things! Come on, let me go wash off, then I’ll take you out for lunch.”


He’d confront them rather normally, and just ask them to stay away. If it continued to happen, he would take more drastic measures.

“I know you’re just being nice, but you don’t have to talk to anyone here. They won’t care for you like I do.”


He would become overdramatic and start hanging his lanky body over you until the flirt got the message. If it didn’t stop, he would sock them in the face.

“I have no shame over this situation. If they ever come back to do it again, I’ll kill em’!”


He made a game out of it. Anyone who could beat him at poker, got you. If they lost, they got their eyes gauged out. Dokyeom never lost.

“Don’t worry babe, they won’t be making love-eyes at you anymore!”


He would either yell until he scared the flirter away, or get Dokyeom and Hoshi to do his dirty work.

“You already know that I don’t want you talking to the dirty rats here, just walk away from them!”


He would just watch it happen and talk to you about it later.

“I told you, those people don’t want to just talk to you. They’re trying to take you away from me, so just be careful.”


Immediately, he would confront the person who had been making a move on you. The way he spoke would seem a little bratty, but his threats were still intimidating.

“You get away from [Y/N] now, or I’ll chop off your limbs and send them to your relatives!”

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