Here We Go

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I'm gonna introduce myself.
You know, that thing English teachers say that you never should do at the beginning of any paper.
Hey! Mrs. Williams!

You proud of me yet?

No.... okay then.

Hey guys! Why you decided to read this, I will never know. But how are you? I'm doing alright, thanks for asking.

I'm Hadley. 16 years old, sophomore in high school. Living in my city, Charlotte.

It's fun here. For the most part at least. It's never boring.

Let's rewind a bit...

Okay so I was born in Florida. Fabulous, right? Nope. Think again. Miami just didn't suit my family. We moved to this really small town in South Carolina after that.

I ended up knowing a lot of people. But no one ever knew me. Ever. It's a sad life, I'm telling you.

In about sixth grade, we had enough and moved to Charlotte. My favorite place so far. I have good friends here, a decent paying job, and a horrible home life.

Great combination, right?

Well, let's just say that if you've made it this far, you have nothing better to do with your life. Congratulations!

That's pretty hard to accomplish.

So here's gonna be the story of how my life fell apart.

Here we go...

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