Chapter 22- "Dest, get in the goddamned bed, now."

Start from the beginning

Around half an hour later, some guy with a huge snowplow eventually made it to us and helped us get home. Luckily, he was a wolf from a neighbouring pack and he knew exactly knew how to get to our own pack's hidden mansion.

Once we got inside, I stopped by my room to change- Not into anything sexy because a) It's not like I owned anything remotely close to sexy, b) it was only Alex, he'd seen me in everything, and c) I was just going to sleep (not anything else y'all pervs ;)) . 

The mansion was silent, everyone probably asleep. I quietly crept to the third floor and into Alex's room. His bathroom light was on, so I leapt onto his massive bed in my crop top and embraced the comfiness. My eyes were closed when I heard the bathroom door swing open.

"Alex, I think I missed your bed more than you," I mumbled into the pillows.

"Wow, that really hurts," he replied.

I opened one of my eyes open and then instantly opened the other, admiring the very pleasant view. A shirtless Alex stood by his closet, with clearly defined back muscles and chiseled abs that made me want to drool. 

He caught me staring and winked at me. 

"Stare all you want, Dest, you'll get used to this view sooner or later,"

I didn't say anything as I continued to marvel at his muscles. He walked over and then lied down behind me and snaked his arms around my waist, pulling me in to him.

"But personally, I'd prefer sooner," he crooned in my ear, before nibbling on it lightly.

His voice sent shivers down my spine and I turned around to kiss him when a shrill knock came on the door.

We both leapt out of the bed and stood up fast.

I could see Alex's eyes instantly widen.

"Quick, get in the bed!" He whispered furiously, while I stood there, frozen as a rock.

"Dest, get in the goddamned bed, now.

I stealthily slipped into the covers, throwing his blanket over my shoulders, inhaling his scent. I stopped breathing when I heard Alpha Jace's voice. 

"I heard some ruckus. Why were you out of the mansion after curfew?" Alpha Jace demanded in his authoritative voice. 

I tried my best not to snicker. Who the hell even said 'ruckus'?

"Alpha Jace," Alex began apologetically. "We got stuck in the blizzard during deliveries, and Mike got us home with his snow plow only around 20 minutes ago."

The Alpha was quiet for a moment.

"Ah, alright. But Alexander, may I ask, who is that in your bed?" He inquired. 

I quickly made sure that my breathing resembles that to a sleeping person's.

"It's just Dest," Alex answered naturally.

"I believe Destiny is supposed to be in her own room, downstairs," Alpha Jace's voice was challenging and cold. I was terrified. I had no clue how casually Alex was talking to him right now. 

"She fell asleep in my truck. She was exhausted as hell," Alex explained. "Also she's kind of my new room mate. You even said we had a shortage of rooms. Now her and Lucy's rooms are free."

"Alexander, shouldn't you know the rules by now? You can't share a room with someone unless they're family or they're your mate. Destiny is not your mate."

Ouch. That stung.

"What? Just because Destiny's not my fated mate that means she's not my mate at all?" Alex's anger was seeping through his voice. "She's my fucking mate, Jace, because I chose her."

I didn't even realize that Alex had used the Alpha's first name because his last sentence kept repeating in my head over and over again, He was serious about me. Serious about us. Of all of the unmated females in the world he could've chosen, he chose me. Damn. I felt like a rare ass Pokemon.

The second that Alpha Jace left, I crushed Alex into a hug. To my pleasure, he responded by pulling his lips against mine. 

I had a mate.

I was finally wanted by someone.

And his name was Alexander North.



Okay. Oooookay. That just happened y'all. 

What are your thoughts on this chapter? What do you think will happen next?

Btw I just want to give a quick thanks for the readers who've stuck with this story and gave it a chance. Thank you so much for voting and reading! <3 I love you all so much. And I swear, I reach each and every one of your guys' comments :)) They make me smile and laugh. So thank you for that. 

Haha alright, I'll catcha' later ✌️


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