"I cannot be what?"

"Kale?" Triane breathed.

He nodded and hugged the bundle closer to him. "Yes."

Triane pressed his lips into a thin line and his face turned grim. He eyed the bundle in Kale's arms and then at him.

"Follow me," Triane hissed and moved past the crowd.

People tired to near their lord, but one look from his eyes, they knew he was up to something serious. Without a single command from him, they made way for him. How was he able to do that?

Kale followed him, lowering his gaze, trying to avoid the curious questions that rose, which he hoped it would not.

The palace gates were open, just like the city's were. Triane cursed to himself as he went.

"If I am a discomfort to you-" Kale began, shifting the weight of the baby to his left arm. His falchion was strapped to his shoulder.

"Don't finish that sentence, Kale," Triane warned. He stopped and turned to face him. "You are my best friend. You will never be a burden or a discomfort to me." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I am just worried about what I will answer to Payne."

Kale winced. "About that."

"That's all you have to say?" Triane thundered. "Do you have any idea what Payne is going through? His wife died! His unborn son! The heir of Icathus! Now, the current heir refuses to go to his country!"

"The current heir is not aware of anything that I am, Triane," Kale laughed humorlessly.

The dark, abandoned pathway echoed his laughter that was sick to his ears.

"What?" Triane asked his eyebrows meeting.

Taking a deep breath, Kale said, "Give me a room you would give to a traveller you met five years ago." After a pause, he added, "And your most trusted maid."


He was given a room in the southern wing, where most of the maids and the servants resided. Kale was past the differences. If anything, he knew the ones who worked here deserved better than him.

When he had opened the bundle and gave the baby to the maid, the old woman gave a short gasp of surprise. Quickly, she masked her emotions, cleaned, fed and clothed the baby. Then, just as hastily, she left.

He slung his arm over his eyes as he laid on the bed. The baby was quite tightly holding one finger of his free hand and was indulged in deep sleep.

The doors of his darkroom opened and Kale raised his hand a little too see who it was. The faint light in the pathway traced his silhouette and Triane walked in, closing the door. His strides stopped short when he saw the baby.

"What is the meaning of this, Kale?" Triane asked.

Kale let his hand fall to his eyes again. "He is my nephew."

"Nephew?" Triane asked, disbelief colouring his voice. "Nephew?"

"Eluria's son."

He felt Triane come closer, perhaps too see the baby for himself.

"Eluria had a son?" Triane pulled a chair and sat next to the bed.

Kale removed his hand from his face and fumbled to light the lamp. Triane sighed and lit the lamp.

"I don't need light, Kale."

"You don't," Kale agreed. "But I do."

Silence rolled over them. Often, it was not the words that bonded them, it was stillness. They could sit next to each other for hours and stay quiet, yet feel contended and connected.

The Elegy of Autumn (#0.8 Ruthen Quartet)Where stories live. Discover now