Lights Out

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The sound of the dragon slayer's voice only served to make the celestial spirit wizard stir from her slumber. She was comfortably tangled in her pink plush sheets.

When her half lidded eyes turned to the source of the noise (she had not entirely registered it to be the dragon child), she was jolted from her sleep as she saw a large pair of black beady eyes gazing intently into her own.

"Aaaaah!"Lucy screamed, bouncing up from her bed only to feel a sharp pain in her forehead. She fell back onto her sheets gripping her aching hair line. Natsu had been standing at the head of her bed bent over, his face directly above hers.

"Ouuuch," lucy groaned.

The pink haired mage didn't seem to be bothered by the collision.

So he really is dense up there, Lucy thought, before the pain in her forehead began to throb. She cringed, mouthing expletives.

"Finally awake huh?" Natsu chuckled.

"What do you mean finally awake? It's the middle of the night!"

Lucy's eyes swept over the room realizing that she had not even bothered to turn off the lights before bed. Exhaustion had crippled her.

"Oh yeah," Natsu said, rubbing the back of his head apologetically.

Lucy sighed, mirroring the inevitable goofy smile on the fire mage's lips.

"Where's Happy?," Lucy inquired.

Natsu began lazily strolling over to the blonde mage's kitchenette.

"He said he was going late night fishing with Lily," He replied. "Geez I'm thirsty!"

Lucy had plopped back onto her bed, her small shoulders sinking into the warm recesses of her pillows.

"Just grab one of the bottles of water in the box near the fridge."

"What's wrong with the water in the faucet?" Natsu asked, peering into Lucy's quaint bedroom from behind the fridge.

"There isn't any", Lucy replied dimly, starting to feel the weight of the day again.
"My rent's been pretty inconsistent lately. My land lady has been kind enough not to kick me out, but since then she's been threatening to cut all the utilities. So my water's gone."

Natsu didn't say anything. She could hear him shuffling through a mess of plastic bottles on the floor. He appeared again a few seconds later, downing a bottle of 'd'leu sorciere' bottled water.

"Man... I'm tired" the dragon slayer said, the words muffled by a yawn.

Lucy flung him a few pillows from her bed, along with a yoga mat she kept at her bedside in preparation for the dragon slayers habit of arriving uninvited. Hardly bothering to unravel the soft yellow mat, he plopped himself onto it. Moments later, she heard the soft trill of the dragon slayer's breath as he settled fully into sleep. Lucy flicked off the light switch at her bedside. The nightlight she kept at the other end of the room provided a soft glow.

Lucy couldn't sleep. Forty slow minutes must have passed before she got bored studying the intricacies of the ceiling fan. Truthfully, she was thinking about the sleeping boy on her apartment floor. She felt a writhing in her stomach. Natsu had made a habit of sleeping at her apartment. So she should be used to it by now right? But she wasn't. If it were any other boy, their intentions would clearly be to make a move. But if Natsu Dragneel said he came to crash at her place, he came to crash at her place. She had ignored her feelings for the goofy fire mage for so long that she felt like she was going to burst. She rolled off of the bed, making her way to the kitchen. Wanton emotions always left her throat parched. 

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