For a second time Xiden pull away from my lips and I moaned at the lost, I hear him chuckle as he coats me to open my eyes, "Come on love, show me those beautiful brown eyes."

"Don't hide them from me, amore."

My eyes flutter open and the first thing that I see is his ocean deep blue eyes that seems lighter now.

"Hi," I whisper the first thing that came to mind at seeing his georgous face. Xiden smirk down at me knowing what he did to me mentally, "Hi brown eyes,"

As if something clicked I just remember what I should have been doing before I was whisk away into a happy bubble with Xiden, that sneak.

"You distracted me." I accuse him my eyes narrowing at him. "Why?"

He sighs as he brushes my rosy cheek,  his gaze on my thoroughly kissed lips, "I don't want you to worry about it."

"I can't can't not worry about it when I see what happened to you earlier. You scared me when you get like that."

"And that is not what I want. I don't want you to see me like that, I don't want to burden -corrupt you with my demon. I already brought you into this world, a world that you are far too innocent for brown eyes, but I will risk anything to keep you safe." He says with finality in his voice but I couldn't let it go, not when I know that it hurts him.

"But Xiden I don't -"

"No. We are not having this discussion brown eyes, now drop it." He hissed. I will admit that it hurt that he doesn't want to hear what I have to say about all this. I just want to be there for him.

"Sweet face listen," the next few seconds happen so fast. All I felt was cold breeze on my body and then the bedroom door slamming shut and heavy footsteps fading away.

It took my brain a while to notice that Xiden stormed out of the room and when the another door slammed shut I knew that he left the house too.

My heart sank.

All I wanted to do was help him through it and let him know that he isn't alone. Elethia was right, he is so stubborn.

I force the tears not to fall, I didn't want to cry because it wasn't about me.

I'm going after him.

Getting up off the bed, I was putting on my sneakers when a phone pinged in the room, indicating that a phone received a text message.

I ignore it but it only went off again, and again, and again and again until I found it only to see that it is messages from an unknown number. My heart started beating frantically from fear. The last time I received a text from an unknown number is wasn't good.

My thumb finger hesitated over the message icon and I swallow the rising fear threating to make me spill all the contents in my stomach.

'Laying with the man that killed your father. Tsk tsk tsk, he must be rolling over in his grave at how you've turned out but don't worry my darling Isabella, once I have you in my arms again you'll be just perfect.' The text message read.

To be honest I never forgot about that, I just don't know what I would choose to do if Xiden really did kill my father, can I stay with a man like that even if I'm falling for him.

I didn't know and that is what I'm afraid of. The unknown.

Putting the phone in my pocket I ran out if the room and down the stairs, and out the front door only to ran smack in Piero who was just putting his phone away inti his back pocket.

"Amira, I haven't seen you in a while," he says with a tinkle in his eyes.

"Piero hi, yes, it's been a while. How are you doing and how is Lily?" I ask as I bounce on the ball of my feet, impatience coursing through my veins.

Unorthodox Obsession: A Mafia Story (EDITING)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt