Part 5(: (FINALLY)

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Tehehehehe... it's been a little over a year since I uploaded this last... my bad?

Sorry to anyone that ever reads this again.. hahaha.......

"JASON!" I screamed as he threw me over his shoulder. He's been doing that a lot the last 2 weeks. Yes, 2 weeks since the pool party at Adam's house. Me and the boys are getting along great. I love being with all of them. They're all just so funny and cool, not what you'd expect from a super famous band. I thought they'd be all big headed and annoying.

"Yes, babe?" He chuckled while walking out of the elevator.

"Put. Me. Down." I demanded.

"Or what?" He laughed and continued to make his way through the lobby, ignoring people that were taking pictures and recording us.

"I'll..." I'll what? I've used almost every threat against this guy. He just doesn't care what I do to him. He always laughs and ruffles my hair as if I was some adorable child. Quite annoying really.

"Exactly. You can't hurt me. I'm untouchable." Jason laughed again before shoving me into his Mustang. "Now stay. We're going somewhere."

I pouted but obeyed his orders. Jason got into the drivers seat and smirked at me. I glared back and prayed to god that we weren't going anywhere too public. Why? Shouldn't Jason and his 'girlfriend' be out in public? Yes, we should, but right now i'm in a pair of black Sophie shorts and a bright pink 'Love' crop top that showed off most of my stomach. Oh, and i'm not wearing shoes, my hair is a curly mess and i'm tired.

"Where are we going? I'm not even dressed." I groaned.

"I like it." Jason said, glancing at me as he sped down the semi busy street.

"Pervert..." I mumbled.

"Babe." Jason glanced at me for a second before looking back at the road.

"Yes?" I sighed, already used to the constant use of the name 'Babe'.

"Speak a different language, please?" He asked.

I frowned at him in confusion for a second. Yeah, I always speak Spanish when i'm really annoyed or angry. I'm not sure why... it's just something i've done ever since my freshman year in highschool. Since then, I became obsessed with learning new languages. So now, a few years later, i've forced myself to become fluent in several different languages. Jason doesn't know that I can speak anything other than Spanish though. Maybe it's time he found out.

"Vous êtes vraiment bizarre. Savez-vous que?" I grinned at him as his eyes went wide and his mouth dropped open.

"French?" He asked in surprise.

"Oui!" I grinned again.

"How many languages can you speak woman?!" He exclaimed while turing the car down a completely empty road. We began to pass corn fields. What the heck?

"I'm not really sure..." I mumbled with a small shrug.

"Speak more French!" He shouted.

"Why?" I asked.

"Cause it's kinda hot.." He chuckled.

"Bien sûr, on pourrait penser que. Pervert.." I said sweetly.

"I have a feeling that was an insult." Jason accused with a small, adorable pout. Yeah, I think Jason adorable. Sue me! "Here." He said while handing me a blindfold.

"Qu'est-ce l'enfer?" I mumbled, still in my 'different language' mode.

"Just put it on. Oh and you can speak english now. It's kinda upsetting not knowing what you're saying." He frowned.

I sighed but tied the blindfold securely over my eyes. "I though it was hot?" I retorted with a smirk.

"It was." Jason mumbled.

I felt the car come to a stop and everything suddenly went silent. Jason's door slammed shut and I jumped in surprise. My door opened and silence followed. I frowned, becoming weary and somewhat scared. I don't really like the silence. It made me uncomfortable.

"Jason?" I called softly.

"Sorry babe. I was just admiring how beautiful you are." He whispered in my ear.

I flinched in surprise, cheeks burning slightly and my heart beat quickening to show how much he scared me. Jason grabbed my hand and pulled me gently from the car. In a quick movement Jason had pulled me onto his back and began walking away from the car I loved so much. I wrapped my legs around his waist and rested my chin on his shoulder, waiting for him to put me back down. His hands were tucked under my thighs, supporting my body weight while my arms were slung lazily over his shoulders.

"Where are we?" I qestioned.

"The most beautiful place i've ever seen." he responded quietly.

"Well that doesn't tell me much." I groaned.

"Nope." he laughed.

A few minutes later and my feet were back on the ground. I noted that it felt like a forest floor covered in leaves and twigs. Jason removed my blindfold suddenly, blinding me with the sudden burst of sunshine. I blinked rapidly, trying to clear my vision then gasped at the sight.

"O mea." I breathed.

"What was that?" Jason chuckled.

"Latin." I whispered while staring at the waterfall in front of me.

How did I not hear this? It's kinda freaking loud! And beautiful. He wasn't kidding... We were in a small meadow, over run by wild flowers and tall grass that reached just under my knees, surrounded by trees. There was a giant waterfall in front of me that lead to a big pond type thing. The pond turned into a stream that dissapeared into the tree several feet away. The sun beat down on the meadow as a gentle breeze blew through.

"Do you like it?" Jason asked.

I turned my head to him with a huge grin on my face. "Like it? No. I freaking LOVE it!" I exclaimed.

I got the sudden urge to swim. So that's what I did. I stripped off my shirt and shorts, leaving me in just my underwear. Jason gaped at me and I winked back before launching myself off the small ledge and into the sparkling blue water. I resurfaced and grinned over at a stunned Jason. The water was warm and relaxing as it churned gently around me.

"Coming?" I called with a smile.

"Uhh..." He mumbled but began to take off his clothes. I averted my gaze from his six pack with a small blush. "Why are we doing this again?" He asked after jumping in next to me.

"YOLO!" I screamed.

We both burst into laughter at my weirdness. This was seriously the best thing that anyone has ever done for me. I know for a fact that I already liked Jason but this date, if that's what it was, just pushed it over the top.

It's going to suck when it's time for us to breakup.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 08, 2012 ⏰

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