date night (gone wrong) - pt.1

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Y/N P.O.V.

Colby and I were just walking out, After a date night at the cinema.

He looked at me as I was staring out into the street, seeing that familiar spark in my eyes that signaled to him I was really excited and couldn't wait for somebody to ask for my opinion.

"How did you like the movie?" He asked, taking my hand in his as we started walking, not sure if we wanted to get back home just yet.

"It was INCREDIBLE, you know I love these kinds of movies. They're like the perfect balance between interesting plot, smart character development and stupid explosions and super extra fight scenes..."
I continued rambling energetically, jumping around and gesturing with my free hand dramatically explaining all the movie's Subtleties to Colby who probably didn't give a fuck.

But nonetheless, he listened to me with a perpetual smile on his face, even laughing from time to time, making eye contact when he could.

After a while, when I finished analyzing the movie Colby lifted my hand to his mouth giving it a gentle kiss. We continued walking around enjoying L.A.; the nice weather, the dark skies but with strong lights illuminating off of every building or sign, the constant buzz of the cars on the road and people in restaurants or bars.

Making some small talk conversations as we go but mostly remaining in a comfortable, intimate silence, sharing glances once in a while and adoring each other's company.

As if on cue we passed right by tender greens when my stomach began growling loudly.
I laughed "well alright then..." I whispered to myself, looking down at my stomach, but I knew Colby heard it too because he laughed as well.

He stopped, making me stop as well "I think this is our stop." he stated. Smiling down at me pointing at the door.

Without much thought, I nodded quickly, chuckling. "Who am I if I'll say no to food?"

He pushed the door open and we walked in.

"Hello, welcome to tender greens!" One the waiters greeted us happily with a big smile on his face. We smiled back.
His gaze on me lingered a little too long, I felt his eyes follow me, as we walked past him searching for an empty table so I held onto Colby's bicep staying close to him.

We sat down, a waitress came a few minutes later taking our order, we decided to share one dish because Colby wasn't that hungry. the waiter from before was nowhere to be seen, thankfully.

Waiting for our food We passed the time talking about our days, our plans for the weekend and other insignificant things. Colby told me about some ideas he had for future videos and I told him about an old friend I met not so long ago that I haven't seen in a long time.

"Hey listen, I'm going to the restroom real quick before the food shows up alright?" Colby asked. I nodded as he got up shoving his chair back in place, leaving for the guys' restrooms.

I looked around at the somewhat empty restaurant, people watching, playing with the rings on my fingers. I could see a figure approaching me from the corner of my eye, and judging by what they were carrying I was certain it was the waitress with our food.
and I was right, kinda.

now standing above me was the waiter from before, holding our food and drinks smiling widely at me.

"there you go gorgeous," he put the plate down. "what are you doing here sitting all alone?" he said in a flirtatious tone leaning slightly against my side of the table.

" thank you, " I mumbled, pressing my lips together into a thin smile "I'm not alone actually, my boyfriend just went to the restroom" i stated,pointing in the restroom's direction.

"sure," he said chuckling lowly, we only ordered one dish so he obviously thinks I'm lying.

"You saw him too, we walked in here together, you greeted the both of us" I tried explaining.

ignoring my response completely he continued "name's James by the way. I still didn't catch yours"

A frustrated sigh leaving my lips.

"that's great James, but really, I'm not interested. okay? I'd really appreciate it if you could leave me alone" I snapped, can't the dumbass get a "hint"? god.

no, he can't. he is still here.

"Oh come on, you don't need to be so hostile, I just don't like seeing such a pretty girl seating all alone in a restaurant. I want to get to know you" he said disgustingly smooth. His hand slowly making its way closer to mine, trying to grab a hold of it but I swiftly lifted it away, cringing.

I rolled my eyes." well, as I said I'm not alone, so you can leave now, thank you, "  I said cynically, waving him goodbye " and even if I was alone I didn't ask for your help so just go." Looking away from him hoping he won't  be there when I look back.

Nope. he's. still. There.

"do you not have work to do or something?" I sneered, flicking his name tag, looking around for Colby. where the hell is he?

this guy is so frustrating, he makes me feel so angry but also very uncomfortable... I don't know how long I'll be able to stay here with him.

" not really, it's the end of the day. the restaurant is kinda empty as you can see," waving his hand around proving to me that indeed I am alone with this guy. making me feel so small. "besides, I'm doing you a favor, you know?" he spoke getting frustrated, still leaning one of his hands onto the table.

"excuse me ?!" that's it. a favor?! not only he is creepy but he is crazy as well!

" who do you think you are ?" I fumed, suddenly getting a rush of adrenaline, instantly standing up.

I am nowhere near as tall as he is losing a bit of the confidence a randomly gained but still standing my ground.

suddenly we hear a loud shout from close by "what the fuck is going on?!"


Colby came rushing to my side putting a hand around my waist, frowning and glaring at James.


Exiting the restroom I start making my way back to our table. The place was quite empty so I spotted y/n in no time, I even noticed the waiter has brought our food to the table.

great! because y/n was starving , that's the only reason why we are here.
I mean all I wanted to do after the movie was go home and cuddle with my girl and potentially more, if you know what I mean  ; ).

But as I get closer a frown makes it's way onto my face because the waiter isn't leaving, he is a little too close to her for my comfort and hers as well as it seems that she is looking around for me but she didn't spot me.

I'm a little confused walking slowly toward them until I see y/n spring up from her chair as she screamed something at the waiter, inaudible to me, realizing something must be wrong.

What the fuck does he think he is doing? Why isn't he leaving? I'm sure from the look on her face and her angry reaction she told him to leave multiple times. I hate seeing her like this and it makes me so mad when people make her feel vulnerable on purpose. And it pains me that I wasn't there to help her.

Feeling the pain and anger raising in me quickly I start walking faster and I can't hold my self until I get to the table so I shout "what the fuck is going on?!" Trying to get their attention and make him stop . I reached the table standing  tall by y/n's side grabbing a hold of her waist. Giving the deadliest death glare I can come up with to the waiter infront of me. Oh, if looks could kill.


Hey guys 🌻

Thank you so much for reading ♥♥

please tell me what you thought, and if you'd like me to post a pt.2 for this imagine.

I'm not sure how much I love this one. 😁

And as always [Requests are open]✍

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