Bonnie & Clyde

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I didn't want to steal, I really didn't! I planned on paying... I  just didn't plan on forgetting my wallet at home.

it's not that big of a deal, just put it in your bag, fast!

but its still theft ,i cant...

yes, you can! do it already!

no! it's wrong, and not worth it...

just this once...come on, it looks so nice too...

it does look good though...


fine, fine, goddamnit.

losing the fight inside my head, I ripped the tag off of the necklace hastily shoving it into my backpack, looking around making sure none of the employees saw me. taking off to the exit I shoved another necklace I looked at earlier and a set of rings, ripping their tags off as well.

I then felt somebody's eyes on me following my every move.

Knowing that they aren't security because those would've stopped me long ago if they had seen me and wanting to find out who it was, I walked around a corner at the back of the store turning around quickly and sure enough, a guy nearly crashed into me.

"What the hell are you doing?! Who are you?!" I questioned him, barely above a whisper, trying my best not to attract any unnecessary attention to us.

"Nothing," he shrugged, " I think I should be asking you the same thing." Grinning at me.

"I ..uh... I'm not doing anything..." I said quickly, looking anywhere but at him, not sounding so sure of my self now.

"Sure" he gave me a knowing look, chuckling "it's Colby, by the way."

"Amazing, now can you stop following me cause getting caught is not on my agenda today." I replied sarcastically starting to walk away.

"you don't strike me as a professional criminal" he laughed, catching up to me, Walking beside me.

" I know, that's what makes me so good at it." I stated, winking at him. " I don't usually do it though, just so you know"

Continuing to put jewelry in my bag for the hell of it I felt a hand swiftly pushing me back and making me turn away, pulling me in the other direction.

" Employee on six" Colby remarked lowly. Signaling me to stop and act normal, Hiding my bag in front of me.

I waited for the employee to pass by our aisle as I looked into my bag, closed it and threw it onto my back.

While Colby stood beside me looking around for potential danger.

"Thanks, Clyde. We should leave, I've taken enough to last me a lifetime." I chuckled at him as he nodded and smiled back.

We were about to walk into the main area of the store, making small talk and getting to know each other as we go in attempts of blending in.  when Colby abruptly stopped me again.

"What now?! Let's get out of here" i widened my eyes an raised my eyebrows at him.

"No, we've been in for too long to walk out empty handed... Let me get something." He said looking around searching for the cheapest and most natural looking thing for two teenagers to buy.

"here," he said grabbing a bag of chips and two coca-cola bottles "to celebrate."

"celebrate? what are we celebrating exactly? let's first walk out of here. "  I laughed and rolled my eyes at his eagerness and confidence.

"Alright, alright, let's go."

we waited in line patiently, selling our innocent act well, he paid and we walked out without turning too many heads, excluding the usual look two teenagers would get walking around.

when we were far enough from the store for anyone to hear us I talked again.

"thank you, Colby, for helping me and not calling security or something"

"no problem, I actually had fun" he laughed.
"now, can we finally celebrate another successful mission?"

"sure thing" I giggled "now we can, where to?"

He paused, deep in thought before responding.

"I've got an idea...besides I'll need help finishing those chips" he chuckled, I smiled as well shaking my head.

"Oh, and I didn't catch your name yet...Bonnie." he said jokingly.

"it's y/n."

" well, y/n, this looks to me like the beginning of a wonderful friendship." he stated dramatically as we began walking, heading to his 'secret' destination. " but, let's not make a habit out of stealing, m'kay?" we laughed as he put a hand over my shoulders.

"yup" I agreed.


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