Farhana Shah stopped as Daniyah finally reached the bed and sat, her fragile frame was dropping by the unseen burden and her mother took a place beside her. Her trembling lips met her daughter's temple as she wished her little girl with her blessings.

"My daughter is the strongest one and I know she will win her way through." The whisper which was ushered was holding comfort and hope and Daniyah at that moment cling to it.


Her eyes were glued to the small monitor as the ultrasound stick was revolved around her lower abdomen, Emaad was in the same room standing behind the doctor while her gynecologist briefed that due to previous events not only Daniyah but her baby has also faced some health issues, the baby seemed weak and Daniyah now have to pay closer attention to her health if she wants her baby to survive. The bluntness of the doctor not only frightened Daniyah but scared Emaad too.

"I... I may not have been the best of man. I don't have much to say but with all that is going on I can't risk to loose you or this baby. Please take care of yourself." In the solace which was provided in the silence of his car he whispered, Daniyah craned her neck and saw his eyes were soft with raw emotions. His stubble was overgrown, even in his crisp shirt he looked tired and dishevelled. He was a broken man, a man who was bent by many according to their needs was finally in pieces.


Emaad sighed as his eyes read her every feature. The sunken face, her chapped lips, her hollow eyes, him and his father was to be blamed. His heart with every beat drowned in guilt but despite all there wasn't an ounce of affection he felt.

He was turning into his father and no one could do anything to save him.

His car slid out of the parking lot and rushed across the roads of the city till they entered to secluded area of Kirmani mansion , which was under high alert security not letting any paparazzi enter the area. Despite the clear road his car halted a few feet away from his house as he saw an all too familiar person coming out of the large iron gates leading to Kirmani mansion. Her shoulder length auburn hair were up in a pony, dressed in a plain  black  Kurti with large lacy embroidery on border and her lotus pants, she was looking casually ready yet her every step had a mission
Where Daniyah was oblivious of what was happening around here, Emaad felt his grounds shaking as the woman in his vision walked through the slope with aa baby boy in her arms, her steps halted as she got to her car, stopping before getting inside she craned her neck around and then a smirk grew on her face as she spotted what she was looking for. Emaad knew his heartbeats were now highly audible, his mouth was dry as Mishaal got in the car and then the car drove past his, their eyes met for the second time and this time they held challenges.


With every ticking second the chaos in the kitchen was growing, chefs were dishing out the steaming savouries, while butler was screaming orders,  younger one in orders were running between the dining hall back to the kitchen. Everyone was on their feet ready to welcome the head of the house after complete forty five days, no one wanted to disappoint Mr. Kirmani and unlike the servants ready to please their master Daniyah and Mrs. Kirmani were in Janaan's room. Their hushed whispers and unshed tears were still constant as they were on the first day.

Soon, the entire mansion echoed with the screeching tyres and horns, both the women took deep breath as they left the room, Talat Kirmani walked ahead, she was the woman who has lost her everything and with nothing to loose she faced the man she has been waiting for with squared shoulders. Daniyah walked beside her, a light shawl covering her body completely, since she started showing she took special care while covering herself.

"Asalam O Alikum," Mrs. Kirmani was the first one to speak up and Faisal Kirmani nodded his head, Talat Kirmani could feel her heart drumming in her rib cage, she looked in her husband's eyes, and it was enough for him to take a step back and look away.

"How are you both?" He asked to both the ladies as Emaad shook his head and pushed past him and went up stairs, Faisal Kirmani's jaw clenched as his eyes followed his son.

"You left us in hard times, Faisal." It wasn't a complain, it wasn't a plea. It was a statement, a statement demanding an answer but before he could reply Talat Kirmani moved ahead, "You should get fresh while I ask Khadim to arrange the table," Daniyah quickly followed her mother-in-law.

Unlike other nights the dinning hall echoed with the noise of spoons against the plates, the servants were asked to leave just after serving and now with tensed body their entire family was having dinners. Faisal Kirmani cleared his throat and in mechanical motion Talat Kirmani passed him a glass full of water.

"I want a Quran khwani arranged tomorrow in name of Janaan," Faisal Kirmani started but was shortly cut by Emaad.

"Before that I have few papers for you to sign."

"Excuse me?"

"Its better we talk about everything after dinner, father!" the reply not only froze blood of the ladies but was a warning sign for Faisal Kirmani himself.

The study room was echoing with the accusations opposition party was making while the government representative was trying to yell as much as he can and eventually the anchor would fuel the fire, the drama they do for rating, his glass was fill of amber color drink, igniting his cigarette he looked at the papers for the thousandth time trying to remember where he saw the digits his private investigator gave him. Earlier that day he was given the news that his man finally have got closer to the man who was highly suspected of killing his sister. The police was trying but he knew they very well aware of the real man behind the sin and are not helping him the way he wanted so finally he decided to do everything his own.

His eyes were continuously reading the paper with information because their said suspect killed himself and till now everything was a dead end. Just as he was about to call his lawyer the numbers on the papers clicked with his memory, Emaad felt his knees shaking as he griped on to the mahogany  desk till his knuckles turned white.
His chest was constricting making his heart stop as he picked his phone.

"I am sending you an account detail I want all the information you can get asap!"

His phone buzzed with a message

Its his.

They say hate is a strong word and the reason is, it's birth takes place because of the people we were once strongly connected with.



How are you all? I hope everyone is good and having a good time!

I hope you guys liked the update and I am really sorry for making you guys wait! And I might not be here again because final exams start in two weeks *yay* Prayers needed

Before signing off, Vote and Comment!! Let me know what you think. Love y'all!

Till the next time...


Zehra :)

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