We eventually made it to the college, I glanced over at the field where it happened, I shiver ran down my spine and I immediately knew that something wasn't right, "After this ordeal with them checking my back is over, you and me are going to start Hunter training." I whispered to Tessa. She simply nodded, "I already know a bit." She shrugged. "Been training behind my parents back." She added. I nodded before climbing out of the car and following the boys over to the college, we jogged to keep in step with them. They lead us into the college which was empty at the moment, before closing and locking the doors. They then lead us to the Science classrooms, "We're about as uncomfortable doing this as you are." Romell said to me. I sighed and raised my eyebrows, I was just hoping they weren't perverts.

"Shall we begin, Ree?" Turner said. I slowly nodded my head before pulling my Red Adidas zip up hoodie off, I then pulled off my T-Shirt and turned my back to them, I jumped slightly at the feel of Turner's hand on my skin, "Shit, sorry." He said. "No worries." I replied. I could feel their breaths on my back as they began inspecting the claw marks, I shivered slightly before hearing Romell tapping on a keyboard as Turner continued inspecting, his hand was gently stroking down the claw mark scar and it felt relaxing and warm, I almost melted into his touch but refrained myself from doing that. However, he pulled himself away from me, he pulled his hand away from my skin and headed towards Romell, "What you thinking Dean?" He asked. "It's hard to tell. Wendigo maybe?" Romell suggested. "Nah, wasn't fast enough." Turner said as I pulled my top and jacket back on. I then sat on one of the science stools beside Tessa and rested my chin on my hands, "Sam... It could be a anything. It's claws look about the same size as a Wendigo's. Remember that scar that man had when we last hunted for a Wendigo..." I heard him say. "Wait, what? Hunted?" Tessa and I asked. "What? Nah... We're not hunters but our dad went once as a sort of try out and we kinda tagged along." Romell shrugged. I slowly nodded with a smile, "Oh okay." I smiled as I stared at Tessa. "So what you thinking Sammy?" Romell asked. "I don't know. We'll probably need to research some more." Turner said as he lifted his head from the computer screen and stared over at Tessa and I.

We eventually left the college, Tessa and I began walking back to our dorms, we were being watched by Romell and Turner. We slowly headed to push our dorm door open as they drove away, Tessa grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the forest, "I've got Leigh-Anne's sister to meet us, she's gonna be the one training us. She's promised not to tell Jade or any of the other girls so, it's all good. Let's go." She said as we walking into the forest. Leigh-Anne's younger sister, Sarah stood with her back against a tree, she lifted her head and smiled when she saw us, "Hey girls." She smiled. "Let's get started shall we?" She asked. "Yeah." I nodded. She instantly began the training and we picked it up rather easily, I already knew quite a bit from Jesy but I'd never acted on it. It wasn't long before we heard a howling in the woods, we immediately all huddled together and glanced around. The forest was a scary place, even if it was still daylight.

We all left the woods and stepped into the road just in time to see that blasted Chevy Impala, we all immediately stepped back and fell against the tree as he skidded to a halt, "You girls shouldn't be in the forest. It's dangerous." He told us. "Yeah well, it's a lot safer than the school grounds are right now." I found myself answering back. "We'll find out what attacked you." He told us. "And until you do? How many more attacks is there gonna be?" I found myself asking. "We're working on it Anna." He replied. Tessa eyed him and he was eyeing her right back, I then saw her shoot a wink at him before heading over to the dorms. To my dismay, Nathan was sat on the kerb in front of our dorm. I tried walking past him but he grabbed my wrist, "You have ruined my life... It's time I ruined yours." He spat as he stood up. I stared up at him, he was a lot taller than me, "You've already ruined my life Nathan, by fucking cheating on me... Or did you forget that?" I asked. "Well I'm about to make it a whole lot worse." He spat. I yanked my arm back and stared at him, "Fuck you." I spat venomously before pushing past him and heading towards the door. I glanced back and caught Turner watching me, he was really handsome... Hot even. And I no longer had a boyfriend so I could think what I wanted about him. I smiled at him before glancing at Nathan and frowning. I then walked into the dorm and slammed the door shut, Sarah and Tessa were sat on the sofa when I walked in. "Alright girls." I said with a smile. "Who fancies a girls night? Movies, popcorn, takeaway and of course, makeovers." I smiled. "I'm down." Sarah smiled. "Me too." Tessa put in. "Right, Tess you get the makeup, Sarah you do the popcorn and pick a movie and I'll order the takeaway... What do y'all want?" I asked the two of them. "I'll have a meat feast pizza." Tessa spoke. "Cheesy Garlic bread for me." Sarah said. "Both with Coke?" I asked. "Yeah." They replied as Tessa ran to get her makeup and Sarah headed towards the kitchen to do the popcorn. I grabbed my phone and began calling the takeaway, "Hi, could I get an order delivered to the New York City College dorms please?" I asked. "That'll be no problem love, what can we get you?" The woman on the other end asked. "Could I get a ten inch meat feast pizza, a ten inch cheesy Garlic bread and a large Kebab with three cokes please?" I questioned. "Of course. Dorm number?" She asked. "17. Thank you." I replied. "No problem Hun. It'll be there in fifteen minutes." She said before hanging up. I put my phone down just as Tess and Sarah walked back in, "Takeaway ordered, makeup here, popcorn done, movie chosen." Sarah said as she held up the Mean Girls 2 DVD. "Perfect... Now all that's left is to get into our pyjamas." I told them. They both nodded, we immediately rushed to our bedrooms to get changed. I pulled on a vest and shorts set completely forgetting about my scars. I then walked back into the room, the two other girls joining me. "It's almost nightfall sooooo let's get started." Tessa said excitedly. "Becky, where did you get those God awful scars?" Sarah soon asked me. "I was attacked by a creature... It's not big deal. Don't worry about it." I shrugged. She immediately came over and began inspecting the claw mark, "Just sit down and ignore it Sarah, we have two teachers working on it." I shrugged. She simply nodded and took her seat again as I pressed play on the DVD and the takeaway arrived, I payed and brought the steaming food into the living area where I handed everyone their things and took my seat with my kebab.


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