Percy Jackson Fanfic

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Hey, Percy," my classmate called across the school hallway.
"You better not screw this up for us. Mr. Petri will be disappointed in all of us for your actions."
Mr. Petri, named like the petri dish, was a short, round, man who reminds me of a tomato. Redness always persists on his face and neck, and his ears join them when someone calls his name.
Turning away from the flustered classmate, I decided to take some time to play a game on my phone as the class waited for the bus.
"Hey! I'm talking to you!" the classmate with the bush-like afro said, whacking my phone out of my hand. Anger and annoyance started to build inside me.
"Could you not?"
"Could you look at people when they're talking to you?" his afro bobbed as he sneered. Cleaning that afro must be like Moses parting the red sea.
"Cut it out you two," Ms. Ruxmar said sternly. The classmate's face paled as he shrank at the sound of her voice.
Ms. Ruxmar is like a sphinx, never smiling. Whenever she walks down the hall, students turn and walk the opposite direction to escape her foreboding aura. Just her gaze alone could send John Cena running for his mama.
"Sorry, Ms. Ruxmar. Won't happen again," I said respectively.
"Hmpf," was her reply. She continued walking, her heels clacking on the pavement.
The busses started to arrive. The first one screeched to a halt and a pasty dude with an employee lanyard stepped out. He reminded me of a dry biscuit. Flakes of dandruff drifted from his stringy hair and clung to his clothing. His shoulders looked like the beginning of winter, with a layer of flakes standing out clearly on his black hoodie.
Everybody in the class piled into the busses.
"Anne!" the biscuit-like man croaked as he started to take roll. By the time he got to my name, everybody had started being noisy twerps again.
"PERCY!" the pasty bus driver hollered over the students.
"HERE!" I called back.
"Don't yell at authorized personnel, Percy," a sour breath hissed down the back of my neck. Great. Ms. Ruxmar was right behind me, ready to intimidate me. I sat in my seat, still as a stone. I could feel Ms. Ruxmar's eyes bore into the back of my head as the bus started to move forwards. I stiffly put headphones on to muffle the sound of the many conversations and Ms. Ruxmar's insults. I spotted Mr. Petri seated towards the front of the bus, chatting with the driver. Why couldn't have Ms. Ruxmar sat with them instead of torture me?
"Perrrcy," a voice hissed in my ear. How did I hear that through my headphones? I paused my music and took the earbuds out.
The usual chatter of conversations still rang throughout the bus. That was wierd...
"Perrrrrcy," the voice hissed again, more loudly.
"What?! Hello?" I asked again, with no response from the strange voice.
"Are you alright?" a kid asked.
"I dunno..."
"You're wierd," the kid said, turning back to his conversation.
I had better not have schizophrenia or something.
"WHAT?!" I responded. Perhaps I said my response a bit too loud because the whole bus went silent and everyone was suddenly staring in my direction.
"Mister Percy Jackson, I will be seeing you in my room after school today," Ms. Ruxmar voiced behind me. I was like a shadow the remnant of the bus drive.

*time skip*

After school, I slinked to Ms. Ruxmar's classroom, dreading spending the next hour in there. I walked through the doorway into the small, musty, room. The air was thick with the smell of mothballs and dust. Gray wallpaper covered 90 percent of the walls, and the remaining were painted brown, like the color of poo.
"Take a seat, Percy.
Ms. Ruxmar seemed to appear out of nowhere. I sat in the lone moth-eaten chair in front of her desk.
"Do you know the reason you're here?" she asked, circling my chair like a vulture.
"Uhh, no, Not exactly."
"You're here because I can't have you making anymore trouble, Percy," she said as she closed the door. I heard a soft click as it locked.
"I can't have you doing sssuch troublesssome thingsss, Percccy."
"A-Are you okay, Ms. Ruxmar?" I asked, my voice shaky as I watched her.
She stretched upwards, seeming to grow unnaturally tall in seconds. Her arms melted into her sides, and she fell to her knees, her legs molding together and lengthening like rolled clay. Her face stretched forwards, and her hair was replaced with what looked like scales. Her pupils turned to slits and her teeth grew to fangs. She kept changing until I was looking at a giant snake.
"Never felt betterrr," it hissed.
Horrified, I rushed to the door only to find it locked.
"You cannot essscape thisss time, Percccy."
I hurredly whipped out my phone to call someone for help. Anyone.
"Not ssso fassst."
Its teeth flashed as it striked. I fell to the ground, my phone sliding beyond my reach. The snake creature slithered around me, its coils barracading me from my phone.
"Good bye, Percccy Jackssson."


Yay so this one is pretty much a Percy Jackson fanfic about him against a baselisk. Hehe sorry about the cliffhanger. (Not sorry)

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