Chapter 3: Another Surprise

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Alyssa's P.O.V

I got up around 6:30, so everyone was still sleeping, and had a shower. I got out and slipped on some black skinny jeans, a purple tank top, and my denim jacket. I went into the bathroom and curled my hair like I always do and went down stairs. It was 7:30 and only Liam and Harry were up, both making breakfast.

I sat down on the couch and opened my laptop to twitter.

@JustAJ: In England now with my dad and his "friends". I miss you @MishyElle.

Harry came over and sat beside me, looking at my computer. After a short minute, he was following me.

"Really? Did you have to do that?" I said, annoyed by how he followed me.

"Your right, I didn't need to, but I wanted to." He said, winking and smiling. I smiled back sarcastically, still annoyed, and shut my laptop. I got up and grabbed some cereal. They had no chocolate so I grabbed Froot Loops and poured myself a glass of milk. I took a seat next to Liam at the table and their was silence till he spoke.

"You like Froot Loops?" he asked. Well no duh, I thought.  Im eating them aren't I?

"Kinda but you guys had no chocolate. So I settled." I said, dissapointed. I usually only eat chocolate but I was starving since I missed dinner and lunch yesturday.

"My fault. I ate it all." He said, a little sadly. Why? Does he miss the chocolate too?

"Eh. I'll go shopping later and grab a box for each of us." I said smiling. His mood kind of brightend, and I felt good about that.

"AYO!" Louis yelled from upstairs, waking Niall, Zayn, and my dad in the process.

"Fami- I mean... Household meeting!" Ron yelled while making his way to the living room. I ran in and sat on the couch, being accompanied by Harry and Louis on either side. 

"We all know this is a big change for us all. Especially Alyssa. But I have good news to end off with so it won't seem as bad. First, the bad news which is directed towards Alyssa." Dad said turning to me. A lot of bad news and suprising news has been given to me already.  I think I can deal with whatever comes next.

"2 things actually..." He continued. "Your mother called and said that she wants a divorce. Meaning, I will not be moving back in with her." I was going to correct him, when he said her instead of 'you guys' but I decided to wait. This was big. I was a little flabergasted because I thought my mother loved my dad. We were a family. Maybe it was because he was laways away.....

"And, you.... you won't be moving back in with her either." 

Life's Complicated // l.tOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora