chappie fiv

415 14 27

"WHATTATATARTAT" JACOB SMAched thru da windoe.

"Ag!" fin sed when jac suck all da blood outta his giraffe neck.
"oh no!" mill pushed jacib off but finn was ded.
"oh my fuckin god he fuckin ded." millie said. "get him some milk"
"jacoob laffed and millie smilled.
"k let's go to chipotle" she junped 2 her feet & put her arm threw jacs.
"yaaaass qween. sed jacboob.
finns body dissapeared bcus of jacobs vanpyre pow.


srry 4 slo updates ma pet capybara ded 😔but now i'm gunna right aknew book! and finnnish dis 1 i don't wanna dissapoint my fans 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


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