chaptr 3

685 17 34

(creds 2 my fav insta paige!)

"jacc!!!" mil skreeched
"it okay millz i fine" jacib grined, reachin intwo his bulet woond and pluking it out. den he jumpd two his feet and huged mill.

"goood" millie sed b4 floping 2 da floor.
she started crieing

"oh ma dog what rong?" jac qestoned siting besigh her.

"a feel so alone :(((((" millie sad.
"how da fuck did u sey dat out loud?!?" jacoob assed.

"idk" mills riplied.
"bbg i can mak u not alone ;)" jacib sed.
" hay i did it,"

den they made out wiv lotsa tongs.

"im sew happi ur my gf" jaycib sed. "jenna oregano wosnt gud enuff 4 me"

"jac..... were not dating..." sed milly
"tf u mean?!" jacob scremed. den da song friendzoned by S3RL cumed on.(lisen it so gud 😍)

"oww dat friend zone hurt!" jacobie sobed.
"k bye" mil pushed him to the dorr.
"bai " jaccib waved den he left.


hop u lieked! plz vote so i can win the wattues 💚


alone - jillieTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang