"Let's get you home before you fall completely asleep."

Sorcha grumbled as Calleach stood and pulled her up next to him. Sorcha waved goodbye to her friends and cousins as she followed Calleach around the house to where his car was parked on the street. Calleach saw Sorcha into the car before he moved around to the other side. Sorcha struggled to keep her eyes open as Calleach drove to his house. Calleach picked Sorcha up as soon as she got out of the car and carried her into the house.

"I'm exhausted Calleach," Sorcha murmured as she struggled to stay awake.

Calleach suddenly stopped and stared at her. He picked her back up and headed back to the car.

Sorcha was so tired she could barely muster the energy to speak. "Where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to the ER."

"Why?" Sorcha slurred her words.

"I think you've been drugged." Calleach said as he deposited her in the car and ran around to the driver's side.

The world spun and dipped for Sorcha as Calleach drove her to the ER. Sorcha tried to help as Calleach pulled her out of his car, but all she could do was flop around like a dead fish. It scared her. Everything seemed warped to Sorcha as Calleach followed the nurse to one of the ER rooms. Sorcha clutched the bed as Calleach laid her on it. The room spun and Sorcha felt as if she was going to fall off the gurney.

Nothing made sense to Sorcha as she tried to focus on the nurses. They were blurry blobs and their voices sounded distorted. Sorcha felt like she had drank too much, but she'd only had two glasses of wine. The nurses worked around Sorcha and then Calleach was there steadying her.

"Relax Sorcha." Calleach's soothing voice broke through the garbily gook she was hearing.

"The nurses are going to give you some medicine. Close your eyes and rest now."

Sorcha closed her eyes and worked on trying to breathe evenly through her nose like she did whenever she got car sick. The world started to slow down and the voices started making better sense. Sorcha felt safe and she relaxed. The next thing Sorcha knew she felt like she was being shaken awake. Sorcha had trouble opening her eyes. They were heavy and she felt like she coming out from under anesthesia. Dr. Lexi Balz's face swam into view as Sorcha's eyes focused.

"How are you feeling today?" Dr. Balz put her stethoscope on and listened to Sorcha's heart.

Sorcha looked about her in confusion. "I feel like I drank too much. What happened?"

Dr. Balz draped her stethoscope around her neck and started checking Sorcha's eyes and reflexes. "You were slipped some of the drug commonly referred to as the date rape drug. Calleach brought you to the ER. We admitted you to the hospital so that we could keep an eye on you."

"How?" Was all Sorcha was able to ask.

Dr. Balz sat down on the edge of Sorcha's bed and spoke to her frankly. "Calleach called the police. They went to the house where you were at and questioned everyone."

Sorcha was shaking her head. "It couldn't be any of them."

There was a knock on the door. Sorcha looked up and was relieved to see Calleach there. Dr. Balz got up. "I'll check on you later. Rest now and we'll discharge you within the next couple of hours."

Dr. Balz slipped out of the room as Calleach entered and shut the door behind him. As he sat on the bed, he threaded his fingers through Sorcha's. He kissed her on the forehead.

"How are you feeling?"

"Like I have a hangover. Lexi said that they questioned the others last night."

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