Chapter 12

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A/N: Thank you, like I really didn't expect anyone to care and it made my day when I had not one but three people who were there. So thank you humans very much, you make my day and something good is coming your way. Oki back to the story-

As Lance was fast asleep Keith got dressed and snuck out. By now he was the master at hit an runs.. He held his bayard close as he walked into the Control Room. There Pidge, Hunk, Allura, and Coran were gathered around conversing. They all looked up to Keith, the room falling silent. "Where's Lance?" Hunk asked a bit concerned. "He's asleep, he needed rest after that fight, I'm not gonna wake him." Hunk gave a small nod as Keith walked closer, "What happened to Shiro?" Everyone seemed to avoid eye contact as his name was said. Allura looked as if she was about to cry. "Guys..?"

"Shiro is.. Missing, nowhere on the ship that is" Pidge spoke up. "Hes like the beast fighter here that's not possible. Y-Youre lying!" Coran played a cameras footage on the large screen. In a dimly lit hall Shiro had his back to the wall, he was already bleeding.. A creatures in the from of Keith came down the hall, there was no talking, the close just held hi han out to Shiro. And Shiro took the and following him down another hall. After checking every other camera it seems they both disappeared... Keith's eyes widened, "Its all my fualt" He mumbled quietly tearing up. "What?" Pidge looked at Keith. "Its all my fault.." He said aloud. "I left him to look for Lance, if I had stayed with him.. Or made him come with me h-hed still be here.. Its all my fualt- I'm so sorry"

Before anyone got a chance to say anything Keith dashed off down back to the training deck. Memories of his past plated over again. "Its all my fault" He kept repeating. When Keith was in the deck he locked himself in, "Ship-! What's the hardest level?"

"Processing request." The hip responded. "Maximum difficulty. Level 10 setting 3. Only for top fighters."

"I don't care, run the simulation"

"Simulation classified."

"Wha- I'm a paladin of Voltron run the simulation."

"Pease provide identification" A part of the ship arose in front of Keith like the pillars Allura uses to fly the ship, though this was just one. Keith didn't hesitate to put his hand on the Pillar. He needes something, anything to get his anger out and take his min off Shiro. After a minute or so the ship finally responded. Keith didn't think it would since he wasn't Altaen.. But there was a Galra paladin before. "Galran Fighter 10133181. Clearance level- Paladin of Voltron. Do you wish to start level 10.3?"

"Fighter what?"

"Are you not Galran Fighter 10133181? The Red Paladin?"

"I.. I guess I am..?"

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