Chapter 7

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Out of embarrassment and fear that someone else would walk in nothing else happened. For the next hour they just laid there cuddling giving a few quick kisses to each other and talking about missions they've been on and funny things that's happened. Keith was thinking of how he'd come out. He knew everyone was accepting, though Allura still was still having a tough time getting along with him. Even Pidge knew already so what was his problem? Why was he nervous now? "Hey Keith..?" Lance said quietly.  "Hmm? Yeah?"

"So you're part Galra.."




"So why aren't you purple? Or have yellow eyes?"

"I guess the human genes were more dominate?"

"Or you could mutate at a certain age? Or from stress?" Kith laughed, "I'm not an X-man Lance, and I've already been stressed out of my mind... Believe me- I don't think I'll ever look Galra." Lance stretched his arms and sat up, "If Pidge hasn't blabbed now might be as good a time as ever." They both got up and got mentally "Prepared" for what was to come.  Keith headed to the training deck to talk with Shiro alone first, and then somehow planned face Allura. she was still getting used to him being part Galra.. But she was trying and he was happy with that. Maybe she's be happy about it actually? That Lance wouldn't always be hitting on her anymore?

                                       -Tiiime skiiiip-

"Ohh so like X-men?" Hunk asked as he fiddled with the food in the kitchen to make some alien meal. "By the way Lance~" Pidge chimed in,  "What were you doing with Keith this morning?" Lance blushed, "Oh we were just making out-" He covered his mouth then shouted, "Maldita sea! Callate Lance-"  Hunk couldn't help but laugh, "Lance it's ok- I'm pretty sure everyone knows you have the biggest crush on him. " 

"Uugggghhhhh, How much longer till this stupid fruit wears off? I hate this truth stuff.."

                                  -On the training deck-

Keith walked into the room as Shiro was fighting a drone. He sliced through it and he looked to Keith as it fell, "Level 6- simulation terminated."

"Oh, Keith- I was about to go look for you, theres something we should talk about" Keith felt a wave of anxiety wash over him as the room echoed, "Level 7- simulation starting up. 10.. 9.. 8.. -"

Keith got out his knife, normally they'd fight each other. Back at the Garrison that is, it was like bonding for them.. To try and kill each other... "Actually Shiro.. I have to tell you something too" Keith knew he'd have to just get it out of the way before anything else. A few drones came rushing out and they began fighting them off. "You first then Keith" Shiro said as he kicked a drone to the other side of the room heading for another one. "Well.." Keith spoke, being a little loud so Shiro could hear him over the sounds of bots being shoved together and thrown against walls. "Yknow about, uhh... What I'm into right?"

"That anime guy from Junjo Romantica?"

"What no! Well.. Yeah... But like"


"Yeah, that."

"Ohh, are you having boy troubles? Did you meet someone? Or something, no judgment on species" He laughed a little and put his hands up like a surrender before going back to kicking bots down. Keith rolled his eyes, his dagger transforming as he went to cut down an oncoming drone. Keith blushed a little and nodded, "Well.. You could put it that way, though.. You already know him." Shiro paused, standing up and thinking for a second, probably about who he knew that would like Keith. "Wait, do you like Thace?" Keiths face turned from flushed to confused, "The Galra guy? No way!"

"Just checking, I mean, you two have a lot in common.. He kinda even looks like you-"

"No no no I don't look like him at all ok-"

"Whatever, is it... Rolo?"

"Are you just naming purple aliens now? Cmon he stole the blue lion why would I like him!" Shiro laughed, "You're right, I'm terrible at guessing games haha. Just tell me who it is"

"Pause simulation-" Keith said. "Simulation terminated." The castle responded, the drown disappearing, "It's.." Keith paused, he knew no one else was there, but he came close to Shiro anyway, "Someone on the ship-"

"You like coran?!?!" Shiro said looking confused. "What?? No!! Lance- I like Lance ok!" Shiro leaned against the wall and took a minute to process. "Lance..? That messy Cuban boy you try to kill every other quintant?" Keith rolled his eyes, "Great cover huh?"

"Ok well at least he's human.. So nothing unexpected or gross..." Keith laughed and pushed Shiros arm, "Cmon, don't be nasty-"

"Alright alright.. Does he know you like him?"

"Uhh, yeah.. After dinner I went to apologies and we both ended up confessing heheh.."

"Does he make you happy?" Keith wasn't actually expecting any questions, he thought a moment. "Well.. Yeah, I mean, we haven't done much together, but I really like him as weird as it may be"

"Well then-" Keith looked over to Shiro getting nervous again, Shiro was like a brother to him, maybe even a father figure. What would he say?

"I hope it works out with you two, I'm happy for you Keith."

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