Chapter 16 (Edited)

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I went home, gripping the journal in my hand. I bit my lip in worry and I look up at the sky. What am I so worried about? I asked myself

I got home and went directly to my room, closed my door and sat on bed. I stared at the journal. Not that I'm scared to open it up, but honestly, maybe this can drive me some clues to what he was doing and thinking. I just wonder what it was doing underneath all those dusty old papers. Was that the last place he visited?

I remember Jon always carrying this around one time I'd ask "What's that for?" And he respond "Oh, it's nothing. Just thinking about writing a book one day so that all the people around the world would read it"

"January 2nd, ####

Day 2. I never thought I'd actually be writing in this journal again. This kinda seems a bit girly, only girls write down their feelings in some kind of diary...

So, I was at school. Interesting huh? Well, that's not all, especially the part where I stood up for my friend Tommy. Tommy's my best friend, well, so is Cory haha. Tommy has a life of his own though. I feel bad for the guy. I'm always there to help him.

Anyways, this story didn't go in much detail because it's just way to depressing and like I said,

Only girls write their feelings down.
Btw, If anyone is reading this, don't tell Ashlie I found her diary LOLOLOL

See ya.

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"Out of all the girls at school, Ashlie has a diary." I started to laugh just thinking about it. "If I were to go back in time, I'd definitely tease her" That's when it hit me. Time. I stared down at my hands. "I forgot I had this power. Weird. So much for making mistakes when I had the chance to use it" I shrugged and closed the journal setting it aside on the bed.

I laid my head back onto the sheets of blankets while my feet are still on the ground at the edge of the bed. I sighed to myself. How long has it passed since I've tried commuting suicide? I thought. Actually, I don't want to think about it.

It's better if I leave it in the pass.

To be continued...

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