Chapter 6

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I sighed in relief being able to leave in this place. I scoot to the edge of the bed and look underneath seeing the pills standing there. What do I do with them? Should I get rid of it? Or should I- It wouldn't be the best idea but my gut is telling me otherwise. So I kept them and hid them, wondering what I would do with them.

Out of nowhere, Nick and Dawn come in. "Hey! What's up Cory" Dawn says "We came to visit you. Thought you would be bored talking to girls already" Nick says laughing. I roll my eyes and say "At this point. I am" They sit down "The whole school is talking about you" Dawn spilled out while Nick elbows him. "I already knew that" I say "But there not bad things! There uh- G-Good things?" Dawn adds. I sigh and push back the little strands of hair out of my face. "I really don't care anymore" Nick gets up and comes over to me, patting my back and hands me a comic book. "Here. It's for you in case you get bored" I look at it and I become so exited "No fucking way Nick!! You didn't have to!" "Actually, yeah. I Did have to. Dude- You're my best friend! You deserve this" I reach out my arms slowly to grab it and held it in front of me. I deserve this? I really don't. I think I know someone who does deserves it. "Yeah man! You do!" Dawn said across the room. Nick begins to walk to the door but I stop him "Hey Nick?" I said as he stops to turn around "Yeah?" "Um- Thanks for everything. I really appreciate you helping me. You to Dawn!" I smile. Nick and Dawn smile back "Don't mention it. You should be the one thanking Ashlie and not us" Dawn says "Yeahhh- But Girls take it way to seriously" I say laughing a bit. I can hear Both of them laughing and then they left. I look back at the comic book Nick gave me and started reading the whole thing.
3 hours have came by and one of the workers came in and told me that I was leaving tomorrow. They gave me the clothes my Mom brought me ( Where the fuck was the mom when he was in Suicidal Watch?? ) to wear.

 They gave me the clothes my Mom brought me ( Where the fuck was the mom when he was in Suicidal Watch?? ) to wear

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Can't believe I'm going to get out of here. I finally get to see my comfy warm room again! Soon after I was imagining. My thoughts came back, This time- I was thinking about Tommy
Tommy isn't an asshole. He might seem like it but he really isn't. He is taking in a lot and he really needs help. Ashlie told me she tried bringing Tommy to a Therapist, but he didn't want anyone helping him even though he really does. Ashlie also tried taking me too but I also didn't want to go, not wanting anyone's help what so ever. I can do it on my own. But I know I won't. Is it true everyone cares about me? Or are they trying to make me feel better and then move on. Was it really not my fault? My mind started coming up with something- Almost telling me it wasn't my fault. I remember back in the boys bathroom. Tommy was telling Ashlie that it was her fault for not letting Tommy go over to Jon's. But when did that happen? Was Jon really at home? Jon was asking strange questions about dying, so was he at my house when Ashlie stopped Tommy? I don't think so. I'm just coming up with something stupid that doesn't make sense. Why would Jon kill himself? Who was telling him second thoughts? Who was behind all of this? But-- it could be My fault. I just wish Jon could've told us about this.
I was lost in my thoughts that I didn't realize it was 10:50 PM already! My eyes were getting tired too. I rubbed my eyes trying to stay up a bit longer but SCREW IT! I wanna go to bed! I close my eyes and bury my head into the pillow to get comfortable.

To be continued...

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