Chapter 9

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So uh guys- 😂 I just noticed that I haven't mentioned Uni at all in this book. How the Heck did I forget Uni!?! XD RiPPPPpppPp I'm so stupid! Well now I have plans for him coming in this book! Enjoy this horrible messed up time line Chapter of the day

"Cory? You alright? You haven't even ate any of your lunch" Says Nick looking at me from across the table. Right. We're at school. "Umm- Y-Yeah. I'm fine" I said taking a bite out of the Apple "You sure? You were spacing out again" Says Dawn right next to me "Yes I'm sure. Just.. Thinking I guess" I place my elbow on the table resting my head in my hand and sigh. "You wanna tell us?" Asked Nick. "It's about Bri.. She-- She told me about her past. She said she has gone through the same pain I've gone through-- in a similar way. She's such a nice girl! Who would say those things to her??" I clutch at my sweater and grit my teeth "Woah-Woah-Woah! Who, What, Where, When, Why, How? When did Bri tell you this? And how? And where and-" Dawn got cut off by Nick "That's a lot of questions to ask, don't you think Dawn? We'll first just ask when this happened" I take a deep breathe and say "It happened yesterday-" "Where?" "U-Umm- At her house?" "Her HOUSE?? What! How??" Says Dawn  "I-I don't know. She just came up to me by the park" "Lucky guy~, anyways what'd she say about her past? You don't have to tell us but we'll be glad to help out anytime" Nick said "I'll just tell you guys.. Well we were at her door step but she stopped and turned around and told me to sit down. So I did and it stayed silent until she finally told me about her past" "But why did she tell you?" "Because--Because..-- She doesn't want me- to be sad anymore. She saw me as this happy guy who always smiled and laughed and talked telling jokes and stuff but those days are over now. Everyone changes. Even I changed. B-but Anyways- About that past, Basically, at her old school, she was bullied. She told me she was called names and got physically hurt and also emotionally hurt too-

"Just- Please leave me alone!" "Aww- What's the Pathetic Worthless Ugly Sad little girl gonna do about it? Are you going to tell your mommy~?" The bully started laughing as her friends were too from behind her. She came closer over to her and pushed her down roughly letting her fall to the ground and left giggling to themselves away from her.

As Bri was walking down the hallways of her old school. She got bumped into, letting all her stuff falling to the ground, scattered across the floor as kids stepped onto it not noticing it. "Hey! Watch where your going slut" The bully cried out "S-Sorry.. You bumped into me and I didn't see y-" "Are you telling me I bumped into you?? Last I remembered I was minding my own business and you bumped into me! Unbelievable! Now my phone broke because of you! Ugh! Get out of my sight weirdo" "What happened here??" The bully's friend asked standing by her side "Can you fucking believe this idiot! She purposely bumped into me and dropped my phone, and now it's cracked!" She says with a whiney voice "What!? Oh my gosh- Do you even know how much this phone costs?? Can you just NOT be in our way! Jezz- You can't even mind your own business and then you get involved with us. No wonder why you have no friends- Go fucking kill yourself already! You don't deserve to live like us. --Come on, this girl is wasting our time" She walked away with her friend while she cries about her phone. Bri just stood there. Looking as the girls walked to their class and then disappeared.
Killing herself? They bring up a good point. No one really cares about her. She hasn't even made a single friend in the whole school years. She just wasn't meant to be alive.
She kneeled down and grabbed her stuff and put it in a neat pile. She picked it up and brought herself standing up straight again and slowly walked to her classroom as many thoughts cam to her head.

"Wow... I didn't know about this" Dawn said in a whisper kinda like voice "I didn't either" I say "So~ You're dating her?" Nick says "What?! No! Where'd you get that from?" I said blushing a bit "Well- Yah know, You care about her so much-" "Doesn't every friend care for each other?" "Yeah but- You always talk about her as if you're in love" "What-? Pfft No I don't" Dawn looks over at Nick and then over at me and says "Uh, Yeah you do, dude" Nodding repeatedly. I have an embarrassed face and then say "So what. I care about her and everyone should too" Making an excuse but I was also telling the truth. "Alrighttt~ Whatever you say. The bell is gonna ring right now so see you later" Dawn said. Nick waves and the bell rings as everyone got up and went to there next classes. I get up and head to my next class. "Hey uh, Cory!" I stop walking and turn around to see who said that. When I did, I got scared and I was shocked, I didn't know what to do but freeze as he came up closer to me. "U-Umm, Look... I'm really sorry for calling you names, teasing you and beating you up. I felt a bit bad and when I heard you were killing yourself, I couldn't believe you would do that. You in all of people? I wouldn't believe it. You're such a great guy and- and you have all these friends who cared about you and talks to you-- I-I didn't have anyone who cared about me or had these great friends you have and to be honest I was jealous of you. I'm s-sorry about your friend too. I know how much you care about him and you're friends. I'm really really sorry! It was really all MY fault! I'm the one who was really supposed to die. Do whatever you want! Tell me all the things you wanted to say and do to me! D-Do it! Please!.." Max started to cry with watery eyes. I stood there looking at him not knowing what to do or even say. He seriously pays me big time for everything he did to me but as much as I want to start yelling at him- I just wouldn't... He wouldn't deserve this. I'm not even sure what he's been going through in his past years. I know when someone's really sorry- Especially when they did something really- REALLY bad to hurt someone l-like Jon.. I know he's sorry and he's done with his fake self. I sigh, placing my hand on his shoulder and say "I wouldn't... I know how sorry you are right now.. I did the same thing you did to a friend and I felt broken and I kept telling myself it was my fault, I still do..- Max, You deserve so much more than me. You deserve to have good good friends and you deserve to be cared about. In fact, I know a few people who would be friends with you" I take off my hand off his shoulder. Max looked up at me and said "Yeah... But who would even be friends with me? All I am is a bully and everyone is terrified of me" "Don't worry. They know you're sorry. They're actually really nice and such good friends too! I'll bring them to you after school. How's that?" I say "Alright... I guess so" "Okay cool! Anyways I have to head to class! I'll be late" I walked off sprinting to my class. That really Just happened? I didn't know he would be nice in the inside. He's been bullying me ever since the 3rd grade and now he says sorry on this very day! I can see why he said sorry to me. He doesn't want to be some sort of killer. Jon was such a fun and nice guy to hang around with. Damn- I still- STILL regret yelling at him in a time when he needed me. I sigh to myself and finally get to my class.

The bell rings and everyone all gets up quickly and ran out the door finally going home. I get up after everyone is gone as I was Bri walks up to me and says "Hey!" I turn my head to see her and say "Hey" with a smile. She smiles back. I get my stuff together and walk out the door with her. "So- How was your day?" She asked "Boring" I respond "I feel you. We finally go home after a long day of Monday" "Bad news is- we have school tomorrow. NOOO!" "Don't remind me" "So uh... You okay? I mean- I know you aren- I mean! Erm- You don't Havee- to tell me I just wanted to know" She didn't know what to say so I said "Yeah. I'm okay" Am I? She grabs her backpack from her locker and I do the same, continuing to walk down the hallway as the hallway gets emptier and emptier. She stays a bit silent and finally says "You busy on Wednesday?" She asked "No?" I said "Do you want to hang out again? Over at some kind of junkyard?" "Uh, sure" I say "Okay cool!" She smiles and then gets onto her own bus waving good-bye to me.
"Hey Cory! Where's Max?" A girl asked as her cousin walks by her "he'll be here" I respond. After I said that Max comes over and waved awkward with a grin. "Okay. So Max, This is Ross and Shelby. You'll be great friends! Trust me, I did the same to them" I say "T-Thanks for doing this" Max said "No problem" I walked away from their never ending conversation and heard "Cory! Over here!" Ashlie called out to me waving her hands for me to come over to her truck. "Come on. We're- going.. Somewhere" She sounds happy but at the same time, not really? I walk over and get in seeing Nick and Dawn. "Where we going?" I ask "Visiting our friend again" Dawn said

To be continued...

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