Chapter 8

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You know, I'm kinda getting sick of the world. My friends are there for me and I appreciate it but I just feel completely alone and never noticed. I cry by myself everyday somewhere where I'm alone, I hate myself for who I am, Everyone hates me, Bullies telling me to kill myself, Everyone staring at me and I hate all of this! I still regret not talking to Jon about his problems- But sometimes I also wish that Jon shouldn't have came to talk to me, I was having my moment of my own.

I went back to the house walking up to the couch angrily and sat down. My hand went through my hair making it move back and then I gripped my hair as if I was going to pull it out. "My life sucks and I hate it! Wish I was never born. Stupid Max. He can never leave me alone at times. If only if I could've just- just- Ugh! If only I could've just punched him in the fucking face! Make him feel what I feel" Saying loud as a scream knowing mom wasn't here yet from work. The door opened from the back seeing Jon there walking up to me saying "Cory. Can I talk to you?" "NOT NOW JON! PLEASE STOP ANNOYING ME ALL THE TIME! I'M SICK OF YOU COMING UP TO ME!" I yelled. Jon hesitated and backed up looking scared. "S-Sorry.. I just thought I can talk to you-" "JON GET THE HELL OUTTA MY HOUSE!" I shouted louder. I saw a tear drop down from Jon's left eye and I stopped myself from anger and said a bit quietly "Jon- I'm so sorry-" But he left out the door and ran. I got up and sprinted up the door not seeing Jon anymore. "I shouldn't have done that. Great. I'll give him a call later"

"Cory? Hey! Never thought I would see you here" The sound of Bri says to me as she walks closer over to me. I turn my head to the side seeing her smiling and I gave a small wave with a grin. She sits down beside me, having her back on the tree, pulling up her right right foot and she wraps her hands around the knee and looks at my drawings "That's pretty good!" She complimented "Thanks" I say continuing to add a few more details. It was quiet for a couple a minutes until she says "Wanna hang out with me? I mean- if you want" I stop what I was doing and looked at her "Actually, yeah. I would" "Cool! Where do you wanna go?" She asked me as she gets up and I get up right after her. I start to think of all the places I would like to go. To be honest I do even know
"Not sure, really" I say. "Oh my gosh! We should go dancing together!" Bri says getting excited "D-Dancing- Together? Are y-you sure?" I ask "Yeah dude!" She lightly punches my arm and smiles. I sigh "Alright f-fine" She holds my hand and drags me over to the place, walking about an hour already.
Finally we get there and we start to hear loud music. The place is actually pretty with the shore of the beach right in front along with the sun. Bri turns her face to me and starts making me dance. ( I don't freaking know how to explain dancing- 😆 Just imagine Cory and Bri dancing ) "See? Isn't it fun?" She said giggling "Yeahhh- totally" I said smiling a bit "Oh come on! I know you want to smile!" "What-? Noo-" I say with sarcasm, eye rolling and moving my hands. "Hey Cory" she said changing the subject "Yeah?" "I wanted to invite you to my birthday party on Friday. You probably are already going since- The 'WHOLE' school is going but I wanted to say this to you in person" "Thanks- It means a lot for people to say this to me in person" I say "Of course. Anyways I gotta go home. Wanna walk with me?" She asked "Sure" I say. We start walking away from the loud music and walked into the neighborhood. "You're such a nice guy. I remember meeting you for the first time" She brought up. I stayed silent listening to what she has to say "You were always laughing and talking. Cory" she stops walking and I stop an inch farther from her and turn to her "Yeah?" I said "I don't really like seeing you cry all the time. It's awful from what you're going through and I understand because I've been there. Trust me. You'll be okay and Well" She starts walking again and I start walking up with her too. Right at this moment, she walked closer to me, just a couple of spaces between us and leaned on my shoulder, shoving her hands into her white sweater pockets. A small smile was placed on my face and I put my left hand around her, leaning my head onto hers. We both closed our eyes as the sunset comes nearer.
We made it to Bri's house and I walked up with her at her front door and she opens the door and looks back at me saying a Good-Bye wave and I wave back. And right there I thought, Bri makes me happy. She closes the door and I start walking back to my house. Everyone doesn't want me to cry, they want me to be happy. I'm barley happy percent of the time. Sometimes life sucks. You'll get embarrassed at one point. You'll get made fun of. Maybe somethings aren't really meant to be. That's basically where you get emotional after school thinking about it and makes you cry or mad or regrets. That's why- I hate my own life.
Walking inside the house I go upstairs and walk inside my bedroom, taking off my sweater and threw it at a chair from across the room and laid face plant on my bed. "Did that really happen?" I ask myself "Bri wouldn't fall for me. Would she? I'm such a loser and a weirdo" I rolled myself over making me stare at the ceiling. "She invited me to her birthday party at her house on Friday but- who sent that note? Should I listen to it? I don't think I should.. Besides- I wouldn't care what WOULD happen to me anyways. It's not like I care or those bullies"

To be continued...

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