Flaws Revealed

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The blackness of my room slowly came into focus as I pulled myself into sitting position. Cofused, I reached under my pillow for my iPod and checked the time. It's three in the morning! I'm not supposed to be awake at three in the morning. That's why I take pills. I groaned, but didn't think to wonder about why I had woken up. I wake up in the middle of the night for no reason all the time. It wasn't until I heard something hitting my window that I realized there was a reason for my sudden coherency--I instantly froze. Was someone throwing something at my window? Standing up, I tripped over to my shades and peeked between them, only to see a pebble flying directly where I'd looked out. I jumped back.

Was that Alyssa? Why was Alyssa at my house, at 3 A.M.? Not that she wasn't great to be around and all, but 3 A.M.? I sighed and walked out of my room, towards my front door. She was really goddamn lucky that no one was home. I walked to where I'd seen her, watching as she noticed me. Something was off. It didn't take very long to realize that the something was her balance, because she stumbled towards me in a practically theatrical way. I took note of her pajamas and her big smile, but neither gave me a single clue as to what she was doing at my house. 

"Hey gorgeous, wanna take me inside?" Her words were jumbled, colliding together and mixing themselves up. I managed to understand. 

"What are you doing here at three in the morning?" My tone of voice was not angry, but very insistent. 

Alyssa smiled even bigger and almost fell into me. I held her steady by her arms, knowing that despite her skinniness I couldn't possibly carry her. I cursed being so little. 

"Let's...get you somewhere you can sit down," I said, planning on getting a reasonable explanation once we were in my house.

Once I had her in my room, she tried to pull me into my bed with her. I brushed her off and laid her down. She was determined, though. She sat right up and pulled me close, kissing me clumsily. I pulled away from her and wrinkled my nose. Ew. 

"Alyssa...what the hell happened to you since you left my house?"

"I dunno," she said, with an amused tone. I, however, was not laughing. 

"Alyssa Nicole Fallers. Did you get sick?"

"Maybe," she said, grin still on her face. I was irritated. 

"Let me get this straight. You threw up, and your first instinct was to come over to my house in your pajamas? Do your parents know you're here?"

Alyssa's grin faded as she said, slowly, "No, they don't care."


Alyssa didn't answer, but instead pulled me close again and whispered for me to stop talking so much. The feeling of her body so incredibly close to mine sent my head spinning, and I almost forgot what I was trying to figure out. Almost. 

"Alyssa..." My weak protest did not effect her at all, and she began to kiss my neck, but tonight she wasn't doing the best job. 

A whir of images spun through my brain. Alyssa stumbling towards me, not being able to stand straight, her mouth tasting like vomit and something else, something I knew but didn't--something I'd never tasted, but knew the scent of all too well.

"Alyssa, are you drunk?"

"Maybeeee," she said with a half smile. I was speechless. 

Alyssa--my Alyssa--had gotten drunk? How the hell did she get alcohol? And why? Did she drive over here? Where were her parents? What the hell was going on? But before any of my questions could escape my mouth, she had passed out on my bed and I was left to freak out on my own. I had no clue what to think, or what to do. So, I did what I always do when my problems are too big and too difficult to handle. I slept.

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