"What do you shit heads want?" I asked and buzzcut smirked

"You, Las." Liam said and I thought I was going to puke. Rolling my eyes I looked away.

"If you're going to kill me then just do it." I said and the other one spoke.

"Not yet. I need you to take care of a few things first..."He said, making his way slowly over to me.

"I heard you can sing. Sing for me." He demanded.

"Fuck you." I said watching them closely. His hand grabbed my hair pulling me up off the ground. Pain washed over me for more than one reason.

"Either you sing or I'll give you something to scream about." He spoke between his teeth. His grip on my hair only got tighter as I stared at him. I spit in his face and that did it. He nodded a few times before he wiped the spit away from his face. He walked behind me and I made sure to keep my wrists together to make it look like I was still handcuffed.

"She's all yours Ricki." He told buzzcut as he put his hands on my shoulders holding me in place. Ricky came over to me faster than I thought. Immediately he grabbed the buckle of my belt and started to undo it.

"Get your fucking hands off me!" I yelled but it didn't do any good. I tried to lean forward but my shoulders were pulled back hard against the pole. He then started to lift up my legs trying to pull my pants off. I didn't waste any time and started to kick.

"Watch out for her legs. That's what got Riley killed." Liam said from behind me.

"Oh I know..." Ricki said laughing with amusement.

"Fight all you want Baby. We like it rough. We like it when you fight" I was told from behind and I didn't know what made me more mad. Knowing that I wasn't the first girl they did this too or that they were planning on raping me soon. Lips were pressed hard against my neck and hands felt up my breast over my shirt. I felt nothing but disgust and pure rage.

"Get off me!" I cried out again feeling his hands travel lower.

"That's right baby. Yell for us."Ricki said in my ear. His hands were underneath my shirt and bra feeling up my breast. I wanted to cry but I wouldn't give them that satisfaction. I leaned forward knocking my forehead against his. Instantly I was pulled back against the pole again but this time I felt a pop in my shoulder. A slowly icy cold burn of relief flowed through my arm letting my know that my previous slightly dislocated shoulder was now back into its correct position. I allowed the corner of my lip to pull into a smile.

"Looks like you like it rough too, Las." Ricki said. I let out a humorous laugh knowing that my shoulder was the only thing that made me question if I was going to be able to fight them off like I wanted too.
"You bastards are fucking dead." I said to them. I watched Ricki touch his forehead as blood started to deep out from the poor stitch job I did on his face. He licked his lips at me as he made his way back to me hastily undoing my pants. Hearing my zipper along with someone else's was the last straw. I kicked hard enough to send Ricki flying back against the wall but I wasn't at the right angle to get him to hit the pitchfork.
"That all you got Las?" I looked at him only to see a grin on his face. He came back to me and grabbed my legs roughly pushing his crotch against mine through my underwear.

"Get the fuck off me! I'll kill fucking you I swear!" I yelled hearing nothing but laughs and I felt his hand on the edge of my underwear tugging at them before I heard four gun shots one after the other real fast. I looked up at Ricki. He stopped moving, his mouth was open and he leaned toward me then fell to the ground.

"Mother fuckers." I heard Liam say as his hands let go of me the same time Ricki fell. Looking up I saw my Jackson relief rushed over me only for a second until I heard:

"I'm going to kill your bitch then I'm going to-" He didn't have a chance to finish. I had so much rage bent up that I somehow found the power to grab the pole, jump up and hit Liam with both of my feet. As soon as my feet landed on his chest I pushed with all the strength I had. I watched him stumble back toward the pitchfork coming out of the wall. I stood there letting hard and fast breaths of air come out of my nose as I watched pitchfork go through him, blood seeping through his blue shirt. I walked up to him staring into his until I saw life leave him.

"Who's the bitch now." I said, grabbing my jeans off the floor. I put them on like my life depended on it. I didn't even know that my hands were shaking until I tried to put my belt back on. I felt a hand on me. I was about to turn around getting ready to fight but when I turned I saw nothing but those baby blue eyes. My body finally relaxed. I had already forgotten he was here. He was actually here.

"Jackson." Was all I could say while my arms wrapped around his neck pulling myself into him tightly. Every muscle was sore and in pain but I didn't care. I felt his arm wrap around my waist still holding his gun while his free hand held my head.

"Charlie." He said. I felt his lips kiss my lips over and over again while he held me. His arms tightened around me and I jumped slightly, wrapping my legs around his waist. Putting my face in the crook of his neck.

"I got you now Darlin' You're safe." He cooed to me.

"I won't let anyone else take you ever again."He told me. I was trying to fight back my tears. I didn't want to be one of those girls that cried but after everything that had happened I needed to cry. I really thought I wasn't going to see him again. I nuzzled my face into his neck some more and sniffled swallowing the lump in my throat.

"Shh..I got you..." He said into my ear once again and for the first time in 48 hours I felt safe.

Killer Love: Sons Of AnarchyWhere stories live. Discover now