(1) extra bananas? extra bananas.

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Pidge snickered, "Because he's jealous that you were all giggly talking to a hot guy."

Keith blushed dark red, "Am not!" He crossed his arms, "Lance can talk to whoever he wants!"

Lance giggled and leaned over to kiss Keith's cheek, "I'm just tutoring him, Keith. I already have an amazing, hot guy. I don't need him. Besides, mine is smart." He kissed Keith on the lips this time.

Pidge fake gagged, "Gross, get a room." She shut her laptop.

Keith laughed, looking over at her, "Don't you have AV club?"

She looked at her phone to check the time, "Shit, I'm late. See you losers later? Allura's?"

Keith shook his head, "I have work tonight, late shift."

Lance sighed, "I'll be there though. I'm working afternoon and Hunk is going to pick me up there before he stops to get you."

Pidge nodded, packing her bag, "Alright, see you then." She put her bag over her shoulder before getting off the bleachers and running towards the science and math wing of the school.

Lance checked his phone, "We should go now. I don't want to be late for work again."

Keith nodded, grabbing his bag and standing. Lance did the same before they left the gym together. They went out the back exit, leading to the back of the parking lot. That's where Keith parked his motorcycle.

Keith put their bags in the back basket, taking the helmets out of it. He put his own on before putting Lance's on for him. He always strapped it for him or at least checked it after Lance did it himself. He wanted to make sure it was secure. It was just another small way he protected him as much as he could. Lance stopped fighting it months ago.

They both got on and Keith drove out of the parking lot, heading towards Main Street. Soon enough, they reached BRÜ Artisan Coffee Works. Lance was a barista there. Keith stopped in front, letting Lance get off.

"Do you want me to take your bag home or do you need it?" Keith asked as Lance took his helmet off.

"I don't need it. Just leave it in the living room so I can do my homework if I get home before you." He gave Keith his helmet.

Keith nodded, putting the helmet away, "Alright, have fun tonight."

Lance nodded too, giving Keith a quick kiss, "I'll see you for dinner."

"I'll bring some food home from work so don't make anything. I love you." Keith smiled at him.

"I love you too." Lance smiled as he watched Keith ride away, then he turned to go inside.

Keith drove back to their apartment, dropping their bags off and grabbing a few things, then he was back on the road again.

He drove to Shiro's house, his best friend. Everyone in their group had one person they were closer to than the rest, one friend they always went to. Having a boyfriend or girlfriend is great, but everyone needs that friend that you have a special bond with. A bond as strong as the one you'd have with a boyfriend or girlfriend, but different.

Hunk and Allura are always there for each other, they'd drop everything for the other. Lance and Pidge can basically read each other's minds at this point (Keith finds it quite frightening at times). Keith and Shiro are the brothers neither of them ever had. Shiro is an only child with a single father and Keith is an orphan who never got adopted. They found family in each other and their friends. And that's why Keith made it a priority to make it over there after dropping Lance off at work.

Keith checked his phone while at a stoplight, seeing his new text.

shirogone: still coming over?

game over ❇ 'level up' trilogyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat