Getting to know Ethan

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My head turns over and I start to open my eyes, when I look over to my side. Ethan looks as though he is asleep. when I grunt getting up Ethan's eyes shoot open.

"Oh you're up," Ethan looks at me differently this time. Like he would a boyfriend would. A slight adorance in them. I want to ask him so many questions, but I'm nervous to because what if he thinks I'm weird.
"What? Is there something on my face?" He asks, and I just realized i'd been staring.

"Huh, no I'm just thinking." I say quickly trying to cover up.

"You must do that alot in that pretty head of yours," His eye budge as he just said that out loud.

"I-..." Im speechless. Did he really think that? If he did why did he never tell me...


My eyes widen as I realize what I just said. Ugh she must think Im a weirdo or something.

"Um... I'm sorry." I say trying to not seem weird.

"It's okay," She says smiling at me.

"You sure?" I ask because I truly feel weird that I said that outloud.

"Yup" She says popping the P.

"Okay, well school ends in about 10 minutes, do you want my number so we can talk?" I ask wondering if it would be a good idea.

"Uh, yeah sure." She hands me her phone and I put my number in. And she does the same to my phone.

"Okay, I'll text you when I get home." I say trying to seem 'cool'.

"Yeah, sounds good." She says smiling at me. This must be new to her as well. I may be popular but I've never had a girlfriend. So this is REALLY new to me. She sits up this time and comes and sits by me.

"So um, what do we do?" She asks saying what I was just thinking.

"... Im kinda new to this whole girlfriend thing," I say trying not sound dorky.

"Oh, um me too..." She seems quiet and nervous about saying it.

"Well I guess we'll learn together." I say sounding determined.

"Yeah, I guess so..." She looks down at her fingers fiddling with them.

"Um, do you drive to school?" I ask.

"Yeah me and my friend Emily go together."

"Would you, um like me to walk you to the car?" I ask slightly nervous.

"Sure" She says smiling.

[Skip to being home]


When I get home my phone buzzes signaling I have a text.

Unknown: Hey is this Bee?

Me: Yeah

Ethan: Lol good I was hoping you wouldn't have gave me a wrong number.

Me: I wouldn't

Ethan: Well that's good at least

Me: Yeah...

Ethan: ...?

Me: Nothing... I just don't know anything about you

Ethan: True you wanna play 20 questions or something?

Me: Ig

Ethan: Okay you first?

Me: Yeahhhhh no

Ethan: ???

Me: I don't like asking questions....

Ethan: Yeah... It's kinda weird

Ethan: Wanna meet up? We can go get a hot chocolate or something and get to know each other

Me: Sure, what time?

Ethan: How about 5? I'll come and pick you up.

Me: Okay that works :)

Ethan: Where do you leave

Me: (Random Address)

Ethan: Thanks see you then :)

I look at the time and notice it's already 4:30. I jump up and run and shower. By time I was done showering it was 4:42 and I rushed to blowdry my hair. After I was done I went and put some mascara on and peppermint lipgloss. Then I chose to wear my white cropped hoodie and a pair of black highwaisted jeans. I pushed my glasses up and put my phone and keys in my pocket. I then grabbed my wallet and rushed downstairs to Ethan pulling into the driveway. It's 5:00pm on the dot. Dang I better never be late. I walk out making sure to lock the door behind me. And walk to the car. Ethan gets out and walks over to me.

"You changed?" He asks as if it really was a question.

"Yeah I took a shower," I said not really knowing what to say. I think he feels the same.

"Oh, okay." He smiles and for some odd reason it makes my stomach do a small flip.

That was strange.

This is probably reallyyyyyy bad but owhale

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