Why'd you ask me?

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Bee looks at me with a paniced look after I say yes to her asking me out. I was about to ask her if she was okay as she suddenly faintsd and falls on top my head and shoulders. I catch her and a girl called Emily I recognized from instagram came running up to me panicking.

"Oh my god is she okay?" Emily asks me in a frenzy.

"Yeah I caught her but we should get her to the nurse" I say.

"Yeah, and what did you say to her?" Emily asks me smiling.

"I said yes thats all I said, I mean she asked me out," I smile thinking about what I had thought this morning.

I did say that if she had ever spoke to me or anything of course I would talk to her back. I just never spoke to her. Ive noticed her for along time now. How her long hair pulled in her ponytail falls out and how her glasses fall down her nose when she laughs. Or how when she's with her bestfriend she smiles more than the sun does. My mind is brought back to reality when Emily shakes me.

"Hey! We've got to get her to the nurse and your the only one out of the two of us that can carry her," She laughs like she has this image in her head.

"Yeah I know lets go," I lift Bee up bridal style and a teacher come running to us.

"Oh my, is she okay?" She asks me and Emily.

"Yeah she's fine where going to bring her to the nurse to ly down." Emily says and we start walking to the nurses office.

When we finally get to the nurses office I lay her down on one of the beds. Once the nurse walks in she asks how she fainted. I chuckled at the fact that its because I said yes to her. Emily says she needs to get to her next class for a test so I stay here with Bee. If thats even her real name. The nurse walks out after saying that we should let her rest till she walks up. I stay beside her and gaze upon her face. She's beautiful, her cute little freckles, and her hair splayed out, her shirt starts to ride up and I put it back down. She shouldnt be exposed when she isnt even awake for it. When she's asleep her face looks like she is at peace. Its amazing. She's so perfect even if she doesnt realize it or even if she does she wont realizde how perfect she is to me. Around 30 minutes later her eyes start to flutter open and she looks around confused. When she finally notices Im here she says,

"You? What? Where am I? Whats going on?" She says in a frenzy. She looks slightly panicked so I go over and grab her hand trying to calm her down.

"Calm down Bee, its okay you fainted and me and Emily brought you here, Ive stayed to make sure when you wake up you werent alone." I say softly trying as hard as I can not to make her panic worse. She looks at me then lays her head back.

"Can I ask a question?" She says softly, as if she was hesitant.

"Sure whatever you'd like." I say back to her.

"Why'd you say yes?" She asks even softer this time.

"Well, why'd you ask me?" I ask right back knowing that it would change her idea.

"Oh, it was a dare..."She says as if she regrets saying like it would hurt my feelings. I can admit that it did slightly but I kinda knew it would be. But I really do like this girl and she may not realize it but she's perfect. And even if it wasnt a dare I still would have said yes.

"Even if it wasnt a dare I still would have said yes,"

"Really?" Her eyes search my face for any lies im trying to hide.

"Yes and I still would like to give us a try even if it was a dare." I say truthfully.

"Okay..." She says and lays her head back down.

"Get some rest, Im not leaving anytime soon," She looks at me before closing her eyes.

"You know maybe this dare wasnt such a bad idea after all." SHe whispers to herself. I dont know if she knew I could hear but even though I did I can agree. This might just be the best dare ever for me.


Just a dare, Right? e.dUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum