Chapter 14

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As there lives when back to normal. Usra decided to stay to help Sabine and Ezra in any way she could. Sabine and Ezra have started talking about mira going with luke to start her training. "I don't know if this will be good for her." Sabine said. "Its what she need, she needs to train so she can learn to control her powers." Ezra said sitting with his wife. "Its just so far away, I never been that far from my baby." she said. "I know bean it will be hard but it will be good for her." he stated. "Well can we get kanans opinion first?" she asked. "Ok that's fine." he said as they got up to go to hera and kanans house.

When they got there kanan was out side already doing yard work. "Hey guys what's up?" kanan asked. "We need your opinion on something." ezras said. "Yeah sure what is it?" he asked. "Well Ezra thinks it would be good to send Mira to the temple to learn with luke, I'm not sure though I wanted you opinion on the matter." she said. "Well it would be good for her so she can know how to control her powers, but the hard part for her is that she won't see you guys and that is hard especially for a child." kanan said. "And remember Ezra you never need to do that,.....I have an idea." he said with a smile. "I don't like that look kanan what is it." Ezra said. "You should take up likes offer he gave a few years ago and go and be a master at the temple, I have thinking about it as well and I'm going to go." kanan said. "What about Sabine and hope I can't leave them." he said. "Well what I'm doing is that I am going to go for four days and then be home for three." kanan said. "Ok ill think about it thanks kanan." he said as he took Sabine hand and walked home.

Ezra thought about what kanan said and was about to contact luke when he thought 'i should ask Sabine what she thinks first.' he walked in to the bed room and saw her sitting in bed reading her data pad. "Hey can we talk?" he asked sitting next to her. "Yeah sure." she said smiling putting the data pad down. "Do you think we should send Mira and have me go be a master with her?" he asked. "I think after talking to kanan it would be good for her and as for you I think you should and ill be fine I have mother her but the real question is will you be ok with out me and hope?" she said taking his hand. "Ill have Mira and she will have me l, I think it will be good for the both of us." he said kissing her forehead. "Ok lets tell her in the morning. I'm going to contact luke and tell him are anwser." he said getting up.

"Hello Ezra how can I help you?" luke said as the transmission connected. "Well I have my anwser." he said. "Well ok and on only one or both topics be have talked about?" luke asked. "I will be enrolling Mira at he academy and I will also be taking your offer to teach at the temple with kanan." he said smiling. "Great since she is your daughter i give you and Sabine a week to get her ready to come to the temple with you." luke said. "Thank you master luke and my the force be with you." ezra said turning off the holo table. As he turned around Sabine was standing there with a smile on her face. "What?" he asked. She didn't say anything as she walked forward and rapped her arms around him and brought him in to a deep kiss. Soon after that they went to the bed room and after a while of playing around they where sound asleep.

Thanks guys I have I need your help with what ill be doing next. Do you want me to continue this story with the kids in this book or start a new one just for them following this story line?

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