Eternal Dream and Nightmare

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"Ollieeeee, what is your dream?" Barry's head is currently laid on Oliver's shoulder, while they are watching the stars. His left hand is placed on the archer's heart, his engagement ring glittering in the moonlight and Oliver caressing it. They decided to have a date night at the rooftop of their apartment - stargazing together.

"Hmm? You know the answer Bear, silly" Oliver responded with a straight face.

" unfair. Come on love" Barry whined and pouted, then he did something stupid. He bit Oliver on his neck.

"Hey! Why did you do that? Did you turned into a vampire?" he turned to face Barry and he started attacking him with tickles.

After the teasing and nonstop laughter, they both ran of breath.

Oliver took in Barry's features. He imprinted it on his memory, his eyes - like an endless ocean of stars and full of life, his smile, his lips and those little freckles on his face. Despite Barry's age, he seems childlike all the time. In contrast to his mature and stoic look.

"Why don't we say our dreams together?" his piercing blue eyes stared at those beautiful orbs of hazel-green, full of so much love.

"To be together forever".

"Gideon, what is happening? Are there any changes? Is Barry waking up? Oliver worriedly asked the AI.

"I am currently analyzing Mr.Allen's brain activity. For the past 5 decades his neuro activities remains constant, he is not showing any signs nor changes" the AI explained as she continues her analysis.

"Please hurry Gideon" William pleaded, he saw how tensed his Father was.

Gideon has been watching over Barry's vitals and condition for 50 years. She was also programmed for the Time Vaults high scale security and thousands of medical books is recorded in her database. And so is Cisco's and Caitlin's knowledge at medicine, technology and analysis is stored upon her.

"Mr.Allen is currently experiencing a rapid eye movement sleeping condition, he is currently dreaming. For 5 decades that I have been monitoring him he is only experiencing a slow wave sleep, which in another term is a very deep sleep. But that doesn't mean that when a patient is experiencing REM, it is a sign of waking up" another explanation from the AI.

As they listened to the AI's explanation, Barry's breathing and heartbeat became erratic, which alarmed the people in the Vault.

William went to his Father's side and they both hold unto Barry's hand. Seeking comfort to each other, and they could still feel the warmth that is radiating from Barry.

"Bear, please wake up. Come back to me. Whatever, you are dreaming right now. Wherever you are I know it is not good, you are suffering. Please fight. I know you can! Please love, come back to me. Please, I beg you. I miss you so much. I love you Bear" Oliver's eyes is filled with worry and tears is freely falling nonstop.


"Ollie, chocolate cake please?" Barry pleaded with a puppy eyes look.

He looked at his fiance's pleading eyes and teased him with a smirk "Do I have a choice?".

"Yay! Love you Ollie!" he kissed him playfully on his lips.

Barry Allen is currently sitting in Oliver's lap, they are planning their dream wedding 6 months from now.

Oliver Queen can never ask for more. Spending his whole life with Barry is like a dream come true. If this is a dream he hopes that he will never wake up. Because this is so wonderful.

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