Eternal Solace

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"Happy Birthday Ollie! Happy Birthday Ollie! Happy Birthday, happy birthday! Happy birthday my love! Here is a fondant cake I made for you! Love lots! My wish for you is to stop being Mr.Blame-himself-a-lot orrrrrrrr Mr.Everything-is-my-fault orrrrrr Mr.Brood-himself-all-day....hmmmm......or Mr.I-will-shoot-you-in-the-back-with-Arrows! Love you Ollie! So much! Don't be mad okay? See you in a flash!"

When William entered the Time Vault, he saw his Father in his usual spot. But this time Barry is not laid in his capsule. They are sitting in a larger hospital bed - the speedsters head is cradled in Oliver's shoulder, the bed is elevated in 90 degrees angle, arms around Barry, holding his hand, caressing his cheek, talking to him with a serene smile on his face and watching the video 5 decades ago. It looks like they are watching a late night show with Barry falling asleep in his Father's arms. It also didn't escaped his eyes that Barry is not wearing his usual Flash suit, but instead he is wearing his civilian attire. Maybe Dad requested Gideon to dress him up for this special occasion.

A small smile formed on William's lips. He remembers their late night bonding time watching Disney movies, which his Dad is complaining a lot, because he is not a fan of those. But he and Barry will just give him a puppy eyes look. And the green arrow will just surrender. Then they will be eating popcorns in different flavors and The Flash falling asleep in his Father's embrace as his exhaustion is taking over, saving Central City and working as a CSI at CCPD.

He missed those times. After what had happened in Lian Yu and losing his Mom. He thought he would never have a family again. His relationship with his Dad is not that smooth at first, it was so rocky that he loathes him and blames him for everything. But Barry came into their lives. Oliver changed a lot and so was he. The house is full of life, love and laughter.

He will always miss his Hero's nerdy and dorky jokes. He will always miss Barry, helping him with his assignments and bringing him to bed.


"Dad, is it okay if I change my last name?" a 15 years old William Clayton asked.

"I thought you don't want to carry the Queen name" this caught Oliver off guard.

"Dad, it's been 5 years since I lost Mom. I only have you and Barry. Changing my name doesn't mean that I will forget her. I am sure she will understand" the young boy seated beside his Father and he took his hands.

"I wanted my name to be William Allen Queen. Barry is my parent now too. I know that you are just engaged, but I believe that one day he is going to open his eyes and come back to us and you two will get married. I love Barry so much, Dad. I love the both of you so so much"

That is the first time that William saw Oliver Queen, the Green Arrow and Mayor of Star City breaks down in front of him.

And their Father-Son relationship gets even more stronger. Both of them are holding on for Barry.

Unbeknownst to his Father at first. He always visit the Time Vault and seeks solace by talking to the sleeping speedster. Until when he reached college and was gone for a week and they were looking for him, eventually it was Caitlin who found him crying beside Barry. Telling all his problems and troubles in life.


He smiled at those memories and it brought tears in his eyes.

It is time to approach his Father.

"Dad, you are here at the Time Vault again. Everyone is waiting for you at the Mansion. You've been watching that every year. Aren't you getting tired of it? Let's go" William laid a hand on his shoulder.

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