Eternal Slumber

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It's been 5 decades since I last saw your beautiful eyes full of light, your lovely smile and heard your beautiful voice. You are alive, you are here....breathing in front of me. I can touch you, linger a kiss on your soft lips, and I can still feel the puff of air leaving your nostrils. But your eyes are still closed. Here I am holding your hand and caressing the engagement ring that I gave to you, like it happened yesterday. Your beauty all these years, never faded away. Like time is frozen in front of me. I miss you so much Bear. I can feel that I am reaching the end of my rope. Will I ever see your smile again?

"You are in the Time Vault again" a man in his 60s entered the room - his hair is colored in a dark blonde shade to hide the grey hairs that had formed all these years. He is wearing his usual corporate attire and the wrinkles in his eyes signifies age of experience.

"William, this is where I find my peace. You know that I am reaching the end of my rope and soon...." Oliver was about to finish his sentence, but his son cut him off.

"Dad, please don't" he faced his Father with a look of understanding and despondency.

William looks into his Father's eyes. Despite being old and with the age of 82, Oliver's piercing blue eyes never lost its resolve and strength.

It's been 3 decades since Oliver Queen passed his baton as the Green Arrow and he let William take his place together with Connor Hawke, who is formerly known as John Diggle Junior. During these past years, Queen Consolidated has risen again and William took the leadership as the company's CEO. Now, both of them are the retired Green Arrow and they passed the legacy to the new generation - William's Son which was named after his Grandfather Robert Queen and his daughter Samantha, he named her after his Mother. The Queen siblings are now protecting Star City as the new generation of Green Arrow and Black Canary.

After all these years Team Arrow and Team Flash is still intact, grandsons and granddaughters from the original team take on their legacy. And they are helping out each other to protect their respective cities.

For 3 decades after Oliver's retirement, it is in his routine to watch over and take care of Central City's former hero, who has fallen into a deep slumber 5 decades ago.

"Do you think Barry will still wake up? It's been so long Dad" William asked Oliver.

"I don't know son. I am worried that once he wakes up and discovers that everyone that he loves is already gone. I don't think he could take it. Barry's heart is so pure" Oliver still continues in caressing Barry's cheek, while talking to William.

"But I am still not losing hope that one day he will wake up and protect Central City once again and Star City too" this time Oliver kissed Barry's hand where the engagement ring is placed.

"The person who did this to him is still out there. And we've been searching for him for 5 decades. Even Vibe can't find him still, until now Dad. Cisco's son is giving up and I am not letting him. I swear! And Dad he still have you" he looked at Barry's sleeping form with resolve and determination.

Barry is currently placed in a capsule created by Cisco Ramon and Caitlin Snow 50 years ago, the capsule is indestructible and it is still monitoring his vitals. He is still wearing his Flash Suit in all his glory. They have decided to put him on the Time Vault, where he is fully secured and only selected people can enter. The security is impenetrable. All these years Felicity's coding is still hard to decipher, a work of a true genius. Because of the fast pace of technology, you can travel in a nick of time between Star Labs and the foundry. A special teleportation door is also placed on the Queen's Mansion as well. A big thanks to Vibe's power.

"I appreciate all the efforts that both Team Flash and Team Arrow are doing for Barry, a new generation has taken over. Even though they knew Barry, because of the video stored in Gideon's memory. I am glad that they have learned to love him. I hope he could hear us. But I guess not....Bear, can you hear us? William, me and everyone else is still not giving up on you".

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