Chapter 2

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Naomi mason

The feud between the football players and the cheerleaders verses the girls and boys soccer team has been going on for about 20 years and still goes on to this day. Surprisingly I'm apart if it. I don't like it one bit but I love playing soccer so I have to deal with it. Honestly I really don't give a fuck about this. Both sides do brutal stuff to each other. It's insane!

Junior year... So close to graduating but at least it meant another season of soccer. Which I was excited about. I was the best player this school has ever had. I was suppose to lead us to states this year and we were voted most likely to go to states that year. That year was the year I was going to get my 100th goal. Also breaking the record for the only girl ever to get a 100th goal. Kennedy high isn't expected that much great achievements.

"Excited for practice and the new season Naomi?" Ashley benson said my co caption of the team. I was the other captain. She was a real bitch and pretended to like me

"Sure am" I said sarcasticly

"Don't try to mess up okay? We really need you this year. " she gave me a evil smirk

"I won't I promise," I turned and looked at her " don't try to get in my way okay? You really need me this year. " I smiled

She walked away and I could tell she was pissed. I loved messing with her. She gets so mad easily it's to funny. It was the first day if school and I was already excited.

When I finally got my locker combination and locker number I went to search. The good thing was I was on the first floor but the real problem was my locker was right next to Randy Garret. Great.

Randy garret... Star quarterback of our football team, really popular and expected a lot out of him. I'm suppose to "hate him" because of this damn feud. He was so hot though it hurt. I had a crush on him in junior high but that had to be over once we go to high school. Still can't face the fact I wished he was mine. He doesn't even know me but he hate me just because I played soccer. Typical football player. I walked over there. When I got to my Locker he stared at me.

"Aren't you that soccer chick? Who suppose to break that 100th goal shit." Randy garret spoke

Wow randy was actually talking to me. That was a first. "Yeah I am and I have a name. Surprise your even talking to me. " I said with a deep sigh

" Hey look I'm a nice guy obviously it's just because your a soccer player-"

I cut him off " you have to be rude to me? I hate this shit so i try to stay away as much as possible."

"Look I hate this feud shit too, but I have to play along with it and act like I enjoy it." He ranted

Wow I never new Randy garret hated this feud. Out of all people I thought he would enjoy it the most "wow I never thought that, I thought you loved the feud."

"You thought wrong. It's fun at times though." He paused and looked at his friends "I can't be seen with you, sorry that came out wrong but-"

"It's fine just knock my books out of my hands" I cut him off again

So he did and he started laughing but I could tell it was a fake laugh. I pretended to act mad at him like I actually cared about this feud. I called him a asswhole when he left. I could hear his friends screaming "great job randy" or "Atta boy randy!" Please there bigger wussys than we are. That was probably the only time I would talk to Randy again. It didn't seem to bother me that much.

First period was Mr.Andrews. Yes my best friend my only true friend Amber Beecher was in this class. She was the only person who didn't pretend to like me. She was a true friend.

"NAOMI!" Amber yelled "over here!"

"You just love to embarrass me don't you?" I chuckled

"Oh yeah all the time" she laughed

"So guess whose locker is next to mine?"

"I'm guessing it has to be a football player."

"Yeah it is but just not any football player THE football player... Randy Garret."

"Holy shit! No way." She said amazed, the one thing I loved about being ambers friend is that she wasn't apart if this feud so it was okay to be her friend and not have to hide it if she was a cheerleader. Which she would probably hate me.

"Yeah and he talked to me this morning ."

Her mouth drop "no kidding! What he say?"

"Just ask me if I was the girl who played soccer. The girl who is going to get the 100th goal."

"That's it?"

"Yeah thats it? What else do you expect?

"Well you did have a crush on him In Junior high."

"That was all the way back in junior high! Were juniors now things change."

"Okay what ever you say."

I gave her a dirty look and turned away. I couldn't tell her I still kinda liked him. I don't know why. I guess it's just there.

The rest of the school day went slow. I mean it was the first day back of course it was slow. Went back to my at my locker at the end of the day to see Randy there with his football buddies. I walked up their and Randy stares at me for a little. I didn't look at him.

His friend Ashton spoke "Hey soccer girl. Off to your dumb ass practices where you guys don't do shit unlike us." His friends laughed. Even Randy laughed. I ignored him and continue at my locker. " Why do you even play that stupid sport? It's like the girly-est sport ever. Ours is better than soccer. Why can't you realize that?" He continue

Okay I had enough. Our sport wasn't girly and it sure as hell was better then theirs "Oh really because I'm pretty sure we tackle harder than you guys do. " I slammed my locker and walked away. The only one I heard was Randy and he was laughing. I knew that wasn't the last time I was going to see him or his buddies.

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